Chapter 58

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Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter.


Chapter 58:

January 9, 1996

(present time)

Even without using Legilimency, Severus could tell that the Weasley twins were apprehensive and wanted to say something to him. But he didn't even give them a glance during the entire class. He busied himself with marking papers while his NEWT students were brewing.

When the class ended and the bell rang, signalling lunchtime, his students were quick on their feet to get out of the classroom. The Weasley twins remained in the Potions classroom and looked at him, calculating.

Severus finally looked up from the essay he'd been reading and finally glanced at the twins. He gave them questioning looks.

The twins approached him carefully.

"Professor, we would like to apologize once again for the incident last week," said one of them. Fred Weasley, he knew. After more than six years of teaching them, Severus just knew who was George and who was Fred.

"And, uh, Professor, we learned that it's your birthday..." said George nervously.

"Happy birthday, Professor," they said in unison.

"I don't do birthdays, Messers Weasley and Weasley," he replied nonchalantly.

Free Weasley smirked. "Oh, but the little wizard said otherwise."

"And with that, Professor..." George Weasley handed him a green box with a silver bow. "A simple gift for you."

He eyed the box, then turned to them again. "One of your inventions, I am sure."

The twins grinned. "A few of our inventions, Professor. We hope you'll like them," said George.

"And maybe you can enjoy the Patented Daydream Charms with - "

"Out!" he barked before Fred Weasley could even utter Hermione's name.


January 2, 1996

(seven days ago)

"I'm telling you, Gred, they're hiding something from us that's not part of the Order," George's twin brother insisted for the second time that day.

They were in their room in Grimmauld Place. They were sent there along with Ron and Harry to keep Sirius company. They didn't mind, but Fred was starting to get suspicious. In the summer, while at Grimmauld Place, their parents often asked them to go to bed early and stay on their floor. They were strictly instructed to avoid the drawing-room and kitchen, even though there didn't seem to be an Order meeting. When the summer holidays started, it happened again, but this time, at the Burrow. Their father escorted them, the four boys, to Grimmauld Place because the Order was going to have a meeting. But Fred didn't believe it.

"They said there's going to be an Order meeting today, but Sirius and Remus are here," he frowned at his twin.

"Sirius seemed surprised when we arrived, but Dad just said something about the secret Order member arriving, and suddenly, Sirius ordered us to hurry up to our rooms," Fred added. "I suggest we Apparate back home and see what's going on. I really have a feeling that Mum's hiding something from us."

He shook his head. "I don't want to face Mum's wrath, Forge."

"But she's hiding something from us. We're adults now, and we want to be part of the Order. She can't always stop us. And I doubt they'd be inviting someone who could put us in danger."

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