Chapter 51

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DISCLAIMER: I don't own Harry Potter.


Chapter 51:

November 21, 1995

(the present)

They had Potions that day, Tuesday, but Harry seemed cheerful, Hermione noticed.

Ever since the Dumbledore's Army started meeting two weeks ago every Wednesday night, Harry was in a better mood, even if some students like Seamus, still didn't believe Voldemort's return and they were throwing accusing looks at him.

Hermione also enjoyed being in their little club with their Gryffindor housemates, and a few from Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw houses. Funny, nothing had changed. Cho Chang still recommended their club should be called 'D.A.' and it was Ginny who came up with 'Dumbledore's Army'. Hermione could not remember anymore if she mentioned the exact name of the club (from the Pensieve memory) to her female best friend or not.

And one more reason Hermione thought why Harry was in a better mood was Cho. Just like in the other timeline - the timeline of Leo's birth parents, Harry and Cho began seeing each other and became closer because of the D.A. meetings. Harry also seemed to listen to her because he never talked back in Professor Umbridge's class. He hadn't been in detention yet, no matter how Umbridge tried to taunt him.

Harry listens, just like James, she thought with a smile.

And Neville! Neville got better and better with every meeting. He really wanted to fight for the truth. He also made sure to correct everyone when they said Harry was lying. He became more confident and Hermione could not help but see Frank in him. Sometimes Neville looked like Frank, but sometimes, Hermione swore, she could see Alice's smile and gentleness.

"You're doing it again."

Hermione looked up at the sound of Harry's voice. They were on their way to the dungeons for Potions. "What?" she asked.

"Smiling," Harry teased.

"Oh, you know, I'm just pleased because the pink toad has no idea what we've been doing," she smirked and Harry laughed.

"Oh, that's what you've been thinking. I thought it's because of..." But Harry trailed off.

"Because of?" she asked.

Harry looked around. Then, he looked at Ron who was walking ahead of them, speaking and walking closely with Lavender Brown. "Nevermind."

She frowned but gave him a teasing smile. "You think I'm smiling because of a bloke, don't you?"

Harry's ears turned pink. "Er, sorry..." Then, he leaned her closer. "But I thought you and Ron had something for each other..."

She chuckled. "Harry, I see Ron the way I see you, a brother."

"That's too bad because I was sure Ron liked you."

"Liked," she repeated. "You were sure. Now, things are different," she smiled, looking at Ron and Lavender. "They look good together."

Harry studied her face intently. "You sure you don't have feelings for him? There were times I thought you fancied someone because of the look on your face when you daydream -"

"I don't daydream!" she exclaimed as if Harry said something scandalous. "And maybe I fancy someone, but I won't tell you."

"Why?" he asked with a frown.

"Because nothing will or should happen," she said with a shrug.

"So the bloke doesn't know about your feelings," he whispered, assuming. Hermione didn't feel the urge to correct him.

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