Chapter 12

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DISCLAIMER: I do not own Harry Potter.



How's everyone? I hope you are all safe and healthy. We're still under home quarantine. Let's pray and hope that this virus will end.



To the boy who used to walk with me from school to the station and defended me from the bullies;

the boy who comforted me at my brother's funeral;

the same boy who stood by my side when I lost my best friend,

thank you.

The boy turned into a man.

A very kind and compassionate man;

A nurse helping COVID19 patients.

Thank you for your friendship.

Since 1999.


Chapter 12:

July 29, 1975

(twenty years ago)

Hermione happily took Severus's hand as soon as she made it to his side. They walked in Otter St, hand-in-hand. Severus, as usual, was walking on the dangerous side of the street. They didn't rush. They enjoyed the trek and talked about the conversation Severus had last night with Mona's boyfriend, Richard Granger, also a dentistry student.

"He offered to fix my crooked teeth once he gets his license," Severus told her.

Hermione chuckled. "Well, we can just go to Madam Pomfrey and have our teeth fixed. It sometimes bothers me that I have two large front teeth. Black and Pettigrew call me 'beaver' behind my back."

"Their opinion matters to you?" he asked in disbelief.

She stared at him. "No," she replied honestly. "But I want to have nicer teeth."

"Hermione, you know that you're beautiful, right?" His voice was so gentle and it made her heart flutter and her cheeks blush.

"I've been told by a particularly good looking Slytherin." She was fighting her smile and looked away.

At fifteen, Severus grew taller. She barely reached his chin. He was still gangly. His shoulder-length hair was smooth and silky and his face was free of acne because of the anti-acne balm he learned to brew. With his crisp and clean wizard's robes, he became one of the most good-looking Slytherins in Hogwarts, courtesy of Lady Prince - his maternal grandmother. In the Muggle world, he still wore his father's hand-me-downs because he didn't want him to give an inkling that he was having a good life in the wizarding world. Tobias Snape might beat Eileen again, simply for being reminded that she was a witch.

When they reached the playground, Hermione ran to her favourite tree and sat on the grass. Severus followed her and sat beside her, wrapping an arm on her shoulder. After a few moments of awkward silence, he pulled her closer, until she was sitting in his lap. He met her eyes with a tender look in his face and ran a hand to her wild curls. In return, Hermione placed a hand on his chest and her other hand was on his silky, shoulder-length hair.

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