Chapter 60

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DISCLAIMER: I don't own Harry Potter.


Chapter 60:

January 13, 1996

(the present)

The next Order meeting fell on a Saturday. It was a Hogsmeade weekend again, and Ginny volunteered to babysit Leo. Hermione's redhead friend didn't feel like going to Hogsmeade because of Michael Corner who kept asking her out. Ginny was adamant to wait for Harry to come to his senses and end things with Cho. She was patient. Furthermore, after learning everything from Hermione's past and Leo's future, Ginny Weasley devoted most of her free time to reading and learning to prepare herself to aid in the ongoing war. The twins discovered this, so they stopped teasing Ginny about spending too much time on her own.

"Fred and George wanted to join me," Ginny told her when her friend arrived in Severus's quarters. Crookshanks leapt from Hermione's lap to Ginny's.

She snorted. "Were they serious? Sev would never allow them to set a foot here."

"I know!" Ginny giggled. "Where's my favourite little wizard?" she asked, looking around the sitting area.

Hermione jerked her head towards Leo's bedroom. "Sev's convinced him to have a trim."

"Oh, but his hair is nice!"

She rolled her eyes. "Gin, it's long for a little wizard like him."

"All right, all right." Ginny conceded.

"So, how's your Occlumency training going?" she inquired.

Ginny shrugged. "Good. Professor Snape is a really good teacher," she smiled. "I feel under pressure sometimes, but you know, in a good way. I want someone to push me to my limits, anyway."

Hermione reached for her redhead friend and pulled her into a hug. "Thank you so much, Gin, for doing this to protect Leo and all the information you know about the future."

"Oh, Mione," Ginny said, squeezing her back, "I cannot let You-Know-Who and his Death Eaters - or anyone - hard Leo and discover our secrets."

They pulled away when Leo's bedroom door creaked open. The two witches both turned around and saw Leo sporting shorter and shiny hair. "Hey, my handsome little man!" she beamed and opened her arms for him.

Leo laughed and wrapped his little arms around her neck as she picked him up. "Do I still look like Dada, Mummy?"

Hermione laughed when she saw her man sigh and roll his eyes. "Of course! You're handsome like Dada."

"You've got to have your eyes checked, Puckle," drawled Severus. He walked to the door and reached for his winter cloak hanging behind. "We should get going."

She kissed Leo's forehead before releasing him. "Guess we can walk to the Entrance Hall together?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Absolutely," he replied to her, then turned to Leo and Ginny. "Thanks for watching him, Miss Weasley. Leo, be good to your godmother."

"And Crookshanks," she grinned when her feline meowed at her.

Leo beamed and nodded. "Yes, Dada and Mum!"

When they left Severus's office, they walked with a huge distance between them. Hermione walked ahead, and Severus followed ten steps behind. They parted ways upon reaching the Entrance Hall. Hermione saw Harry and Cho, and Lavender and Ron. Cho Chang spotted her first - Harry's back was to her - and the Ravenclaw briefly narrowed her eyes on Hermione. In return, she raised an eyebrow, silently daring her to say something.

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