Chapter 15

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DISCLAIMER: I do not own Harry Potter.


Chapter 15:

October 31, 1971

(twenty-four years ago)

Everything was well at Hogwarts. Hermione was grateful for her housemates. No one in Ravenclaw was a bully. Everyone in her House shared knowledge and studying techniques. Ravenclaws didn't have time for pranks, Hermione observed. Sure, they knew how to have fun, but no one would dare to do something stupid to lose points. Although, some Eagles (a nickname for Ravenclaws) lost house points because of staying up late at the library, beyond curfew. Some lost points because of the overdue of library books.

While Hermione appreciated that she had friends like Alice, Amelia, and Alona and some boys were friendly, she still preferred Severus's company. They would often spend time together after classes either in the library or the castle grounds. They would sometimes debate about theories and laws such as Gamp's or Golpalott's. But oftentimes, they were just studying together, sharing their insights about the lessons they just had, or helping each other research for their essays.

Severus made friends with some Slytherins like his fellow first-years Antonin Dolohov, Jr. and Evan Rosier, and Lucius Malfoy, a fifth-year prefect who was genuinely kind. Malfoy often praised Severus for his 'self-preservation' and resourcefulness. One more thing Hermione learned about Slytherins was that they were loyal. No, they weren't prone to the heroic, extroverted loyalty that Gryffindors possess and it wouldn't appear that they were as loyal as Hufflepuffs, but Slytherins were loyal to people or ideals. Family loyalty was a very common trait Pureblood Slytherins possess. They also stick together. Once, Severus was hexed by Potter and his gang for speaking with Lily Evans (because she approached him in the library), and all of the Slytherins in their year stood up for him.

It was also not a secret that Hermione Puckle was a Muggleborn, but Slytherins never said anything about her blood status, knowing that she was good friends with one of the Snakes.

Hermione was sitting on the grass, her back was leaning on an oak tree and she was facing the lake. She was waiting for Severus. It was Sunday and they planned to do a bit of light reading. Hermione woke up late and missed breakfast. She couldn't find Severus, too, so she decided to go to their favourite spot by the lake.

"Damn Gryffindors."

Hermione closed her Transfiguration book and looked up. "Oh, good morning to you!" she said with a smirk.

Sev was wearing plain black school robes - no Slytherin colours and logo. He looked cranky, as usual. He sat beside her.

"What's up?" she asked.

"Potter and company," he replied angrily. "Hexed me again."

She frowned. "What? Why?" She placed a hand on his shoulder.

"He was declaring his love for Evans again this morning at breakfast. He made confetti hearts the moment she sat at the Gryffindor table and declared that she's the one he's going to marry one day. As usual, Evans shrieked and rejected him. Lucius stepped in and told Potter that he was such a disgrace to the Pureblood families for he didn't have any subtlety left in his body. Lucius compared him to me." He stopped talking and sighed.

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