Chapter 38

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DISCLAIMER: I don't own Harry Potter.


Chapter 38:

April 16, 1978

(seventeen years ago)

Hermione had just finished patrolling on the seventh floor when she spotted James in an empty corridor, leaning on the wall casually as if waiting for someone.

He probably heard her footsteps because he turned his head towards her direction with a cheerful smile. "Done?"

She raised an eyebrow. "Yes. You?"

"Done. Come on, let's hang out with Moony and Padfoot," he invited, walking towards her and taking her hand.

"Where?" she asked while they were walking to another corridor. James let go of her hand and paced back and forth three times until a wooden door appeared on the wall.

James gave her a proud look. She rolled her eyes. "The Room of Requirement."

James frowned. "You know this place?"

She laughed. "Of course! This is where I meet my secret boyfriend," she whispered and pushed the door open. James followed her.

"Hey, Hermy! Surprise!" came two male voices.

She spotted Remus and Sirius sitting on a sofa. The room looked exactly like the Gryffindor Common Room - scarlet and gold colours everywhere.

"Cut it. She already knows about this room," said James behind her.

"How?" asked Remus.

"Oh, you know, she's Hermione Puckle. She knows everything," replied James casually.

"So, why are we here?" she asked, inspecting the room by walking around.

"We're breaking some rules before we graduate," grinned Sirius. "We're spending the night here, just eat and drink and play Muggle songs."

She raised an eyebrow.

Sirius pointed his finger towards the fireplace. There were a small battery-operated radio and some cassette tapes. "Seriously?" she asked in amusement.

"Siriusly," replied Sirius.

"Well then, let's start deciding who will nick food from the kitchens," announced James.

When Hermione turned around, James was already lying on his stomach on a mattress near the fireplace. Remus quickly went beside him and mimicked his position.

"My vote goes to Padfoot," Remus said quickly.

James chuckled. "Yes, I say, Pads should go to the kitchens. Hermy?"

She grinned and joined the boys on the mattress. "Yes, definitely Siri."

Sirius looked unhappy and smacked Remus's and James's heads before collecting the Marauders' Map on the coffee table. "Why me?"

"Because you're the best at it," grinned Remus.

"Go, Pads. I'm famished," said James.

Sirius left, leaving Hermione, James, and Remus lying on their stomach; each of them was reading a book.

"Hey, Hermy, how is it going with Snapey?" James nudged her shoulder when Sirius left.

She smirked at her friends. "You purposely kicked out Siri just to ask me that?"

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