Chapter 42

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DISCLAIMER: I do not own Harry Potter.


Chapter 42:

August 5, 1995

(the present)

Hermione was sandwiched between Sirius and Remus ion the sofa in the drawing-room of Grimmauld Place. Harry and the Weasley boys were sent again to the Burrow with Mad-eye, and of course, the Weasley patriarch.

The headmaster, Sev, and Tonks were also in the room along with Alona and Amelia. They were planning how to keep Harry safe this coming school year. Her two female close friends just recently joined the Order. Surprisingly, Sev and Sirius both advised Professor Dumbledore to include the two witches because they need more allies inside the Ministry, especially someone who was an authority in law enforcement - well, that was Severus's reasoning. Sirius, on the other hand, obviously, would just like to be around Amelia.

Knowing that Ginny and Mrs Weasley would be there, Hermione insisted on bringing Leo with them. She had not forgotten that her son was an honorary Weasley and she also wanted to see Ginny. Her redhead female friend was shocked to see her physical appearance - she looked like about Tonks's age. But before the youngest Weasley could ask her, the headmaster gave Ginny an apologetic look and closed the door of the drawing-room.

"It's settled, then. Harry's going to continue his Occlumency sessions with me this coming school year." Professor Dumbledore turned to Amelia.

"Given that, it will not affect his academic schedule, headmaster," nodded Amelia.

"And headmaster, are you sure that you will let the ministry send someone incapable of teaching to be the new D.A.D.A. professor?" inquired Alona politely.

They were informed, of course, about her time-traveller son, and some memories from the older Severus and Hermione. With the help of the Pensieve, Sirius, Remus, Amelia, Alona, and Tonks became aware of the Battle at the Department of Mysteries in Leo's original timeline, and also about Dumbledore's Army. Sirius expressed that he was rather jealous he didn't experience such rebellion. Hermione actually felt excited to 'learn' from Harry.

But when it came to Umbridge, they were all reluctant to let her in.

"It is essential that Lord Voldemort completely believe that the Ministry refuse to accept the news of his return," explained the headmaster.

"And with the Minister's behaviour the past two months, everyone is under the impression that Albus a liar and Potter disturbed," Sev finished.

"Poor Harry," muttered Sirius.

Hermione turned to him. "That's why we'll let him know he can count on us. But Siri, no rash actions, yeah?"

Remus smirked, watching Sirius looked defeated. "You're the boss," he told her.

"And now, we discuss Miss Granger's education..." the headmaster continued, giving her and Severus inquiring look.

"Hermy, you're going to be a fifth-year again. You're going to take O.W.L.s! And will have the chance to kick a ministry minion's arse..." teased Sirius. "I wonder if I could become an undercover as well and have myself de-aged - "

"That's enough, Pads," Remus cut his friend off.

Hermione chuckled and patted Sirius's knee casually.

"Amy, what happens if we send an undercover in Hogwarts?" asked Remus.

"There should be a written agreement for that - all the people involved: the undercover, the headmaster, and the other staff members who know about it," replied Amelia and her friend turned to her. "And are you sure you're going back to Hogwarts as a student? Is that what you want?"

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