Chapter 50

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DISCLAIMER: I don't own Harry Potter.


Chapter 50:

November 4, 1995

(the present)

"Hey, Aunt Hermy," Ginny teased goodnaturedly when she sat beside her on her dormitory bed while reading a book on dark curses. She was trying to find out how to help the Order get rid of the Gaunt ring without being seduced by the Resurrection Stone.

Hermione looked up and realized that her dormmates were no longer sleeping in their beds. She was alone in the fifth-year girls' dormitory. It was Saturday but she woke up early to read. She just cannot stop thinking about the Horcruxes and how to help the Order.

"Gin," she greeted softly.

The redhead rested her head on her shoulder and placed a book on her lap.

She frowned upon seeing the title of the book. "Why are you reading about Occlumency?"

Ginny yawned. "I want you to teach me," she said in a rather conversational tone as if she was just asking her to teach her a simple spell.

"What? I'm not capable of teaching Occlumency," she admitted. "You're barking at the wrong tree."

Ginny sighed.

"Why do you want to learn that, anyway?" she asked. Before Ginny could reply, Hermione non-verbally and silently warded the door to ensure their privacy.

"I just want to help you and the Order, you know. Umbridge might be an Occlumens. She might discover our secrets; your secrets."

She snorted. "Severus assured me that the woman is neither a Legilimens nor an Occlumens. She's nothing but a Ministry puppet. The Minister's dog, if you ask me."

Ginny's head felt heavy on her shoulder, but she knew she wasn't asleep. "Mmm... 'kay," she mumbled. "But I still want you to teach me."

"Gin, just focus on your studies, all right?" she told her kindly.

Ginny sat up straight and shifted to face her properly. She grabbed the book she was holding. "Look at this. You're reading stuff like this. You're preparing for war, I know. Even if you don't tell me," she blurted.

Hermione's eyes went to the door to make sure the privacy spells were still on.

"Did you ward the door non-verbally and wandlessly?" gasped Ginny.

She turned back to Ginny. "Yes."

"See? I want to learn things like that! I want to help you, in every way I can," she insisted. "I can't just sit here and watch you prepare for war and you will all mollycoddle me because I'm still underage... I can do magic inside Hogwarts. I can fight if the final battle will be here. I want to protect my godson, too."

Hermione reached out for Ginny's hand and squeezed it. "I appreciate that, Gin. But Harry's going to teach us defensive spells. Isn't that enough for you?"

Ginny looked forlorn. "But it would be nicer to learn more. You know, I heard from Sirius one time in summer that most Slytherins in his time, your time, were either Occlumens or Legilimens. What if the Slytherins this time are trained by their parents, too?"

Hermione sighed and nodded. "All right, I'll ask Severus to teach you."

Ginny perked up and gave her an appreciative smile. "Thank you, Mione. And tell him to go easy on me, yeah?"

She laughed. "He's not that bad."

"I know! Otherwise, you wouldn't fall for him!"

When the two witches came down after an hour in the Gryffindor common room, they found Harry and Ron in one of the rickety armchairs heads together and whispering.

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