Chapter 16

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DISCLAIMER: I do not own Harry Potter.


Chapter 16:

September 1, 1972

(twenty-three years ago)

"Here we go again," said Mona with a sad look in her face.

Hermione hugged her only sister, her first best friend. "I'm going to miss you, Mona."

Mona hugged her tightly. "I wish Hogwarts is just in London, not in Scotland."

She chuckled. "You'll be fine. Maybe it's time you turn your attention to boys so that you won't miss me anymore," she teased.

Mona faked a sneer, so similar to Severus's. "Continue doing that. Sev's got that from you."

Mona laughed. "I'm his role model," she replied proudly.

"I heard that, Mona," came Severus's voice from behind.

"Stop bickering, children," came their mother's voice. "The train will leave in five minutes."

Hermione's father helped them again with their trunks and Severus took the lead in finding an empty compartment, then, they leaned towards the window to bid their goodbyes to her parents and sister.

"Sev, look after Hermione!" called Mona. "Make sure she eats well."

"Always, Mona," the young wizard replied.

"Don't spend too much time in the library, Mione! Try to play Quidditch," teased her father.

Then, the train finally moved and turned to a curve. Hermione's family was out of her sight. Severus gently pulled her to his side and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"You'll see them in Yule break," he said softly.

She looked up to him and offered a small smile, then nodded.

The compartment door slid open and Lily Evans entered. She was wearing a gold headband and a baby blue summer dress. There was no denying that she was very beautiful. Not a single strand of hair was out of place. She took the vacant seat opposite them. "Hello, Hermione, Severus."

"Lily," she nodded politely and Severus ignored her. His left arm was still wrapped around her shoulders and his right was holding a book he started to read.

Lily ran her eyes to Hermione's, making her raise an eyebrow. "Problem, Lily?"

"Denim trousers are uncomfortable for girls," she said coolly. "Why don't you try wearing dresses? Most girls in Hogwarts wear beautiful dresses."

"All pureblood girls wear dresses, you mean?" she countered. "I'm a Muggleborn and I'm used to wearing trousers. Mind your business Lily, will you?"

Lily huffed and stomped, leaving the compartment.

"I will never understand her," she muttered.

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