Chapter 20

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DISCLAIMER: I do not own Harry Potter.


Chapter 20:

September 2, 1974

(twenty-one years ago)

Hermione stared at the class schedule Professor Flitwick had just handed to her. Potions with Hufflepuffs meant that Slytherins would be sharing the class with Gryffindors.

Meaning, he's going to be Lily's partner once again, she thought. And Transfiguration with Gryffindors! Great! The last thing I want is to be in the same room as Lily, and her admirer and his gang.

But Frank and Remus would be there, a part of her mind countered. I guess I'll talk to Alice and ask her if I could sit with Frank throughout the year.

She poked her black pudding with a fork. They were now in fourth-year and Hermione swore, she noticed her father and Severus talking seriously in the shed at the back of their house.

What did they talk about? she wondered again.

"You're not eating."

Hermione was startled at the voice. She dropped her fork and turned around, only to meet the disapproving look on her best friend's face.

"Are you feeling well?" he asked, the worry was evident in his tone and he even moved closer to place a hand on her shoulder.

"I'm fine. Just... thinking," she replied.

"When did you ever stop thinking?" he teased. "Let's take a walk?"

Hermione smiled rather sadly and got up from the bench. Sev picked her bag and held her hand.

"I spoke with Frank earlier," he started as they were walking to leave the Great Hall. "I asked him to be my Potions partner for the entire year."

Hermione perked up and she looked at him.

"You look so pleased," he teased again.

She looked away and turned to the path they were taking. "Well, I think Alice and I are going to be partners this year and it's just wonderful that the four of us could study together, you know."

"Uhm," Sev agreed.

"I will be sharing Transfiguration class with the Lions, you know," she said conversationally.

"Tell me if Potter and his gang bother you. I'll pay back in Potions."

She frowned but smiled. "How?"

He gave her a playful smile and pulled her closer to his side. "Let's just say, I've learned how to cast non-verbal jinxes from Toyin last night which I could use to make those Gryffindors' cauldrons explode," he whispered to her ear, his warm breath fanned her skin.

Hermione's heart fluttered and she smiled rather bashfully. "Thanks," she replied without looking up. "You will teach me, won't you?"

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