Chapter 49

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DISCLAIMER: I do not own Harry Potter.


A/N: Tom Felton reads Fan Fiction! Haha. Have you guys checked? It was hilarious!


Chapter 49:

October 11, 1995

(eleven days ago)

"How do you do it, Mione? Snape has never stopped you before..."

Hermione looked up from her Transfiguration essay. She remembered writing about the same topic years ago when she was just beginning to be friends with James. She longed to tell Harry about James, the first brother she never had.

"Do what?" she asked, looking at Harry's green eyes. They were in the library and Ron was looking for reference books.

"Ignore Umbridge and keep quiet in class. I can't do it!" he said, looking frustrated.

"It will do no good to talk back to her. She's not like the other Hogwarts Professors. Unlike Professor Snape, she could go to the Minister to get me expelled just because she doesn't like me."

"Right. All Snape could do was give us detention and take points," he replied.

"And read an article about my love life in front of the whole class to embarrass me," she chuckled.

"You really seem different," Harry studied her intently. "What changed?"

"Voldemort happened," she shrugged. "We have to be more careful now and grow up fast, I guess."

Harry nodded. "I guess. Bet only Malfoy and his cronies are the ones not growing up," he said, looking at something on his left.

Hermione followed his train of sight. She saw Draco Malfoy at another table, pulling a prank on a Slytherin first-year. He, Crabbe, and Goyle all sniggered. "Yeah, it appears so." She turned back to Harry. "Have you thought of what Ron and I talked to you about?"

Harry adjusted his eyeglasses. "Yeah, but I haven't decided yet," he admitted.

She reached for his hand on the table. "Harry, you have to do it. Teach us something, anything to defend ourselves," she encouraged.

Ron was back at their table with some books and slumped beside Harry.

Harry looked hesitant. "But Mione, I'm not the best in our year."

She turned to Ron for help.

"Mate," Ron began in a whisper, "Hermione is the best in our year, but you're the one who has faced and fought You-Know-Who thrice. You escaped him and his minions last year. Hermione can provide references and theories, but you are the best for the practicals."

"Thank you, Ron," she said sincerely and turned to Harry again. "Harry, please."

"Just the two of you, right?"

"Don't you want to include Ginny and the twins?" asked Ron.

"And Neville," she added hopefully.

Harry looked defeated. "What's next, the whole Gryffindor?"

"Don't worry, it'll only be a few people," assured Ron. "Right, Mione?"

"We'll see about that," she smiled. "So, I'll arrange a meeting. First Hogsmeade weekend, all right?"

"Can I say 'no'?" asked Harry.

"You can, but come on, we're your friends, Harry. Teach us something!" she said happily. Harry sighed. She and Ron exchanged knowing smiles.

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