Chapter 34

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DISCLAIMER: Harry Potter belongs to J.K. ROWLING.


Chapter 34:

December 3, 1977

(eighteen years ago)

"See you at The Three Broomsticks for lunch, Mione? I'll order our usual."

Hermione was in the middle of drying her bushy hair when Alona asked from the bed. She gave Alona a guilty look.

"Oh, Mione, you didn't tell Alona?" asked Amelia in a surprised tone.

"Tell me what?" asked their friend innocently. Alona was repairing her coat button the Muggle way. They were all preparing for the Hogsmeade trip.

Hermione sighed and got up from the vanity to join Alona in her bed.

"James asked me last night if we could go together..." she began.

Amelia cooed and sat beside her.

"As friends, of course," she added.

Alona smirked. "Guess I'll have to ask Remus out. Well, have fun with James. I hope things progress."

"No, it's not what you think," she replied promptly.

"Beautiful relationships start with friendship, you know," commented Alona innocently.

"Alona..." Amelia chided.

Alona looked up and her mouth formed a small 'o'. "Oh, shit. I'm sorry."

Hermione forced a smile. "Nothing to be sorry about," she assured her. "You can join me and James for lunch."

Alona shook her head. "No, I'll be fine. You guys have fun."

"So, are you going to ask Remus out?" she teased.

"Hell, no!" exclaimed Alona. "That guy doesn't have time for dating witches. I am starting to wonder if he likes wizards..."

Hermione laughed hard. "You mean, you're wondering if he fancies Sirius."

"Hey, my wizard is not gay!" Amelia said quickly.

"Yeah. But Remus might be gay," replied Alona.

Hermione squeezed both of her friends' hands. "Girls, Remus is not gay. He's just a complicated man," she explained truthfully.

Alona frowned. "Okay..." But she didn't look convinced.

Hermione got up and returned to the vanity mirror. "See you lot later."


Hermione could feel eyes staring daggers at her and James. They were walking around Hogsmeade, technically patrolling. But they looked like dating. James, who was a foot taller than her, had his arm wrapped around her shoulders. She wasn't uncomfortable. James was a great friend, and it was clear to the two of them what kind of friendship they have. So, she also had an arm around his waist.

Now, almost everyone on the road was staring at the Head Boy and Head Girl.

And Hermione learned not to care.

James gently pulled away from her when they saw two Gryffindor fifth years arguing outside Zonko's.

"Wait here, Hermy. I'll take care of it," James said.

Hermione smiled and nodded. It was very cold, so she tightened her cloak and hugged herself while watching James talking to the boys. The Head Boy appeared very strict and he spoke in a very mature way. He was not even blinking when he took points from his own House.

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