Chapter 24

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Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter.


Chapter 24:

October 5, 1975

(twenty years ago)

Hermione's brows furrowed while reading the recipe of Animagus potion in Sev's old copy of 'Advanced Potion Making'. Unlike the other potions in the book, this one did not have crossed out words and measurements.

"At least a month of preparation is required and the drinker must soak a Mandrake's leaf in his mouth for an entire month without pause."

Hmmm... this is interesting, she thought.

"What did you find out there, Hermione?" asked James (he insisted they should be on a first-name basis since last week because they were getting along pretty well in Transfiguration and would even share a table in the library when she wasn't with Sev or Alice.

"You'll be needing a Mandrake's leaf, a phial, a strand of hair, a teaspoon of dew, and one Death's-head Hawk Moth chrysalis, and wait for the lightning storm," she enumerated to him, eyes still on the book.

"Wait for the lightning storm?" parroted Sirius Black who was sitting across from her, beside James.

"Uhm," she replied.

"When do you think you can start the potion?" asked Sirius.

"It depends on you. When can you start soaking a Mandrake's leaf into your mouth?" she asked casually, finally looking up to her new friends.

Sirius looked like he was going to puke. "Is this necessary?' he asked James.

James adjusted his eyeglasses with his index finger and turned to Sirius. "We want to help Remus, remember?"

Sirius's expression softened. "Yeah, I remember."

A couple of Gryffindor girls passed by their table, Hermione saw in her peripheral vision but didn't look up to see who they were. She scanned Sev's book.

"Hey, James," whispered Sirius, just loud enough for Hermione to hear. "When did you last talk to Lily?"

"Hmm? This morning. Why?" replied James absentmindedly, scanning his Transfiguration book.

"No, you didn't. You haven't talked to her for two days now," commented Sirius.

Hermione and James turned to the wizard. "Really?" asked James, the disbelief was all over his face.

"Yep." Sirius made a popping sound. "You declare your love for her only thrice a week since last month."

James frowned and looked like he was in deep thought. "I didn't notice."

"Are you still interested in her?" asked Sirius.

"Of course," replied James. "But she keeps on rejecting me."

Sirius cocked an eyebrow. "When did that ever stop you?"

"Maybe," she began tentatively, making the two wizards turn to her, "it's a good strategy. Change your ways because clearly, it hasn't been working for four years. Make the love declarations thrice a week for a month, then the following month twice a week, until she notices and gets curious. She might end up asking you what happened."

James clearly followed and grinned. "You're a genius, Hermione."

Sirius gave her a playful smirk. "Shall I do the same to beautiful Amelia Bones?"

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