Chapter 6

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DISCLAIMER: I do not own Harry Potter.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: All is well on my end. I hope you are all safe and healthy.


Chapter 6:

July 26, 1995

(present time)


Leo was running down the hallway towards Professor - er, Severus who just arrived. He was wearing something very casual: a button-up white shirt and black trousers. He looked very relaxed and younger. Hermione and Leo were scheduled to leave Number Twelve Grimmauld Place today. Harry would be arriving tomorrow with some Order members.

"Up, Dada!" Leo demanded with his arms raised.

Severus smiled at the boy and picked him up. "How are you, Leo? Did you sleep well last night?" she heard him ask.

Leo nodded. "I miss you, Dada! We're going home today?" asked the boy.

Her Potions professor nodded. "We are going to my home. I am not sure if it's the same house you are expecting."

Hermione hadn't read any letters from her future self yet. She was instructed to view the memories with Headmaster Dumbledore and Professor Snape first to help the Order plan as soon as possible. But she saw a recent photo of Leo in between folders and envelopes. He was riding a toy broomstick outside a detached two-story house made of brown bricks. She thought that maybe, it was the home of Professor Severus Snape.

"Miss Granger - Hermione," he nodded to her in greeting. They were still in the hallway, almost six feet away from each other.

She nodded and smiled politely. "Good morning. We're all packed," she informed him. "Mrs. Weasley offered to watch over Leo while we're viewing the memories."

"That's very kind of her," he commented. "But there's someone who can take care of him." He turned to Leo. "Leo, do you know my mother? Grandma Snape?" he asked gently.

Hermione's eyebrows furrowed. Professor Snape's mother is still alive, then.

Leo nodded eagerly. "Gramma will be with me?" He sounded hopeful.

Severus gave him the tiniest smile and nodded. "She is excited to see you. But when she asks you questions about things that happened before you came here, you have to answer her right away. Do you understand?"

Leo nodded eagerly once more. "Does Gramma have books? Many books?"

"She does," the professor replied fondly.

"Then, let's go home now, Dada! I'll be a good boy to Gramma."

"All right. On your feet, then." He put Leo down and turned to her. "Hermione, kindly Floo with Leo to my office at Hogwarts. Please wait for me there. Then, we'll take a Portkey to the safe house. I'll take care of your trunks."

Hermione blushed. "Erm, I asked Mrs. Weasley to shrink my trunk. It's now inside the bag with Extension Charm."

Severus's eyes brightened when he looked at her. "Very well. Then, let's go. From my office, we're going to take a Portkey to the safe house."

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