Chapter 59

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DISCLAIMER: I don't own Harry Potter.


Chapter 59:

January 9, 1996

(present time)

After pulling her bushy hair into a French twist, Hermione charmed her grey sheath dress into a regular pleated skirt and Oxford shirt before putting on her school robe, patting the left pocket to make sure the shrunken gift was safe inside. Then, she ran down the stairs from the girls' dormitory. She was running late for Severus's birthday dinner. It would be just the three of them - she, Sev, and Leo. Leo was back in the castle on Sunday. Of course, the headmaster took him directly to Sev's receiving area even before Professor Umbridge arrived.

"Hey, Mione!" called Harry when he spotted her when she finally reached the common room. Harry was playing chess with Ron and Lavender was beside him. The couple happily waved at her.

She waved back. "Hey!"

"Going down for dinner?" asked Harry. "It's early."

"No. I have a meeting with Professor McGonagall," she replied.

"Prefect duties?" Ron asked.

"No," she gave him an assuring smile. "We were just talking about animal transfigurations. She offered to lend me some books."

Ron faked a sneer. "Boring."

Lavender giggled and hit Ron on the arm. "Don't mind him, Hermione."

She smiled at her roommate. "See you, guys!"

Just as she was exiting the portrait hole, she bumped into Fred and George.


"Hey, Hermione," greeted George shyly.

Ever since they learned about Leo and Hermione's relationship with Severus last week, George had been treating her more kindly. He was also now hesitant to banter and tease her. He was treating him like how he would treat Tonks.

And Fred was still sarcastic at times, but he stopped making snide comments about the Potions Master and teasing Ron and Ginny. As a matter of fact, Fred became more affectionate toward his two youngest siblings.

"You going down to the dungeons?" whispered Fred.

"Yeah?" she replied, looking up at the twins.

"Don't go the usual way. The ministry puppet was roaming around the dungeons, near the classrooms," Fred said.

She beamed at them. "Thanks for the warning."

"Say hi to Leo for us, will you?" George said.

Hermione patted the twins' arms. "I will. Thank you."

"Enjoy your time with your family, Hermione," Fred said with pure sincerity.

"I will," she beamed.

Hermione Disillusioned herself behind a tapestry near the Gryffindor entrance before going down the stairs. She made it to Sev's private quarters without bumping into anyone.

She found Sev and Leo on the sofa, sitting close to each other. Severus was watching Leo read a children's book. Her heart melted at the sigh. Leo inherited her curls, eyes, and nose, but from afar, he was a mini version of Severus, especially right now that they were both wearing dark blue jumpers and black trousers, though Leo's was made of soft cotton and Sev's was wool. Leo's hair was longer now, and her little man liked his hair tied behind his neck, just like his Dada's.

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