Chapter 30

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DISCLAIMER: I do not own Harry Potter. J.K. Rowling does. Brilliant woman, she is.


Chapter 30:

December 20, 1976

(nineteen years ago)

Dear Mona,

Sev and I are already at Prince Manor. I was nervous the entire journey from Scotland to London, and a few rounds of Exploding Snap with my friends didn't help. Thank goodness for Alice. She pulled me aside; we made an excuse of going to the lavatory together, then we talked. I asked her how she felt when she was introduced to Frank's grandparents. She gave me some sort of advice and I felt relieved after.

I know, Lady Prince is nice and very cordial when we met, but it's different this time. I'm staying at her house! And I know you're going to say it's my choice. Ha-ha...

Anyway, when we arrived at King's Cross, Sev's mum was waiting for us and she took us by Side-Along Apparition to the manor. It was huge! Bigger than I have ever imagined! Sev was shocked as well; puzzled as to why his mother wouldn't leave his father and just move back to her childhood home. But Mrs. Snape's response is a story for another time. She only stayed until dinner and returned to Cokeworth.

Lady Prince reminds me so much of Grandma. She was very soft-spoken and doted on Sev (I told you this already, I know!). Sev's mum said it started after Lord Prince died. She was kind even to house-elves. She's treating them with pure kindness and compassion. And by the way, she is looking forward to meeting you and mum and dad.

And Mona, when I saw the drawing-room, I was shocked to see some framed pictures of Sev... and me! There were about four photos of us. Mrs. Snape said that they've redecorated the manor after her father died.

Sev showed me the family library and I spent almost three hours there, just reading. Lady Prince wanted to catch up with Sev. She asked him to tell her of his childhood and I guess that includes our family; about his holidays with us...

My bedroom is next to Sev's. God, Mona! This is bigger than the five-star hotel room we once had in Switzerland when we were kids. It has an overlooking view of the manor grounds, of Lady Prince's gardens. The bed was also huge and I don't think I will be able to sleep in it alone.

Sev didn't seem very happy. I mean, he's happy. But not like when he's at home, with us. I think he misses Dad and all the Muggle things they repair together in the shed. But he's doing his best for his grandmother who's really doing her best to reach out to him.

I can't wait to see you, mum, and dad. It's weird that we're not together on a holiday break. Write to me as soon as you can. I know you're busy with your studies (and with Chad - don't deny it!), but please write to me.

I miss you.




Hermione rolled the letter for Mona with the letter for her parents and tied them to the owl's leg carefully. Lady Prince was kind enough to let her borrow their family owl.

She closed the windows again when the owl flew away and arranged the study table before leaving her room for Sev's.

She knocked on his door twice and it opened promptly. She was greeted by her boyfriend who was wearing a fond look - and a pair of green silk pajama trousers, nothing more. He was so tall that she came face-to-face with his naked and hair-free chest.

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