Chapter 48

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DISCLAIMER: I do not own Harry Potter.


Chapter 48:

September 1, 1995

(eighteen days ago)


Hermione was awoken by Leo's voice and gentle touches.

She frowned and sat up. Leo had never walked to her and Sev's room early in the morning. Good thing, she and Sev were decent in their pyjamas.

"What's the matter, honey?" she asked the boy who sat on the edge of the bed, beside her.

Leo had a sad look on his face and crawled to hug her. "You're leaving today. I'm going to miss you, Mummy."

"Oh, I will miss you, too!" she replied emotionally, hearing and seeing his sadness. She hugged him back and rested her chin on Leo's head and nuzzled his hair.

Severus woke up and sat up, then, patted Leo's back. "We'll try to see you on weekends, son," he assured him.

Hermione gave Sev a questioning look.

"I can go home on Saturday and Sunday nights for you, son, and Mummy can visit you during Hogsmeade weekends," he said.

Hermione smiled at her beau and nodded. "That's right, honey. Grandma Eileen, Nana Rose, and Grandpa Bob will be here for you. Though, it'll be you and Grandma Eileen most of the time... and Crookshanks! I will leave him here with you," she told the boy who was still hugging her.

Leo looked up to her with glassy eyes. "Do you really have to go, Mummy? To Hogwarts? You're not a teacher. You work at St. Mungo's Hospital..."

"Dada teaches at Hogwarts, and I have to help him and Mr Dumbledore in protecting the students from the bad guys so that they won't invade our home again, and we will no longer have to sleep in a cave," she explained patiently and emotionally. "Mummy will help Dada so that you will be safe from the bad guys, and the other kids, too."

Leo sniffed and nodded.

"And we'll be here for Christmas," she tried to cheer him up. She looked up at the wall clock. It was just five in the morning. Her stuff was ready. She and Sev would be Apparating to King's Cross before eleven o'clock, so she still had a lot of time.

"Let's go downstairs? Do you want to fly with Dada? I'll watch you two."

Leo perked up and nodded. He turned to Severus excitedly. "Come on, Dada! Let's go flying!"

Severus told Leo to go and change from his pyjamas. When their son left the room, Sev kissed her and nuzzled her neck. "Seeing you comforting him is one of my favourite moments. I love you today, and I will love you every day, my dear."

Hermione cupped his face so that they could look at each other in the eyes. "Thank you for loving me. Always."

Sev grinned and pecked her lips once more. "Always."


September 19, 1995

(the present)

"Thank you for the presents, Gin, Harry, and Ron," she smiled at her friends when Pig and Hedwig dropped parcels in front of her at the Gryffindor table during breakfast.

She had not opened the presents, yet, but she'd checked the greeting cards.

Ginny was sitting beside her and Harry was on her other side. Ron sat across them.

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