Chapter 14

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DISCLAIMER: I do not own Harry Potter.


Chapter 14:

September 2, 1971

(twenty-four years ago)

Hermione left the Ravenclaw first-year dormitory very early. She was excited to see Severus and tell him about her House. She also wanted to know how it was down the dungeons. She was planning to go to the Great Hall and wait for him there. Then, they could walk around the castle for a bit or go to the library for light reading before the classes.

But Hermione didn't have to wait for him at the Great Hall. Severus was waiting already outside the entrance of The Ravenclaw common room.

"Sev!" she exclaimed happily. Her best friend was already wearing his new complete school uniform, with Slytherin colours.

He scowled. "Do you have any idea how hard it is to come here from the dungeons? I was already panting when I made it to the bloody fifth floor and I had to climb a spiral staircase!"

Hermione placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "But I didn't ask you to come here."

Severus's cheeks turned red, but he was still scowling. "Nobody would carry that heavy bag of yours for you. And the staircases are moving!"

She giggled, touched by his care. "The castle is sentient."

He still looked grumpy, but he took her book bag from her. He didn't bother offering his arm, but Hermione snaked her arm to his and they walked down to the Great Hall together.

"Please tell me that you slept well last night? You live in the dungeons!"

"There are warming charms and the view is really nice," he replied with a smirk.

"What view? We have the most perfect view because of our airy common room."

"But seeing under the lake is better than seeing the whole castle grounds," he replied simply.

They continued chattering about their Houses and classes they were looking forward to taking. Severus walked her to the Ravenclaw table, which happened to be just beside the Slytherin table. He placed her book bag gently to the floor. "I'll come back when you're done with your breakfast."

"Thanks, Sev. You're the best," she smiled before turning to her plate.

Hermione was soon surrounded by her housemates. She exchanged a conversation with Alona Goldstein and Amelia Bones, her fellow first years. They were both Purebloods but didn't mind when she told them that she was a Muggleborn. Then, their Head of House, Professor Flitwick, handed them their class schedules.

"Oh, we have two classes with the Slytherins!" she exclaimed.

"Oh, yes! I remember, your best friend's a Slytherin, right?" asked Amelia.

She nodded and looked at the Slytherin table happily. It seemed that Severus had the same sentiment. He held up his class schedule to show her and faked a sneer, to which she chuckled. She finished her breakfast in a happy mood.

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