Chapter 64

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DISCLAIMER: I do not own Harry Potter.


Chapter 64:

October 20, 1996

(present time)

Today is the day.

That was the first thing on her mind when she woke up on a Sunday morning. Hermione had been waiting for this moment for five months now. She was excited but at the same time anxious.

Behind her, Sev wrapped an arm around her waist and peppered the back of her neck with kisses while nuzzling her hair. "I love you, Hermione."

She turned to face her wizard and kissed him on the lips while cupping his face. "I love you, too. I am so thankful for everything you've done. I am so fortunate to have a partner like you."

Sev smiled at her affectionately and held her hand that was on his face, then kissed her fingers. "I'm the lucky one. And no need to thank me. I'll do anything for you."

"You've done a lot for me... to make me happy. I'll spend the rest of my life making it up to you."

"Let's get ready for the day, then," Sev chuckled. "We have to make a quick visit to the manor."

"I'm sure your mother's house-elves don't stop working. They were too excited as well," she said cheerfully.


May 2, 1996

(five months ago)

"Somewhere... in the alternate universe, May 1st is the day of the Final Battle," Remus's voice cracked. Hermione could tell he was about to cry.

Hermione leaned her head on Remus's shoulder and patted his knee. In return, Remus wrapped an arm around her shoulders in his protective and brotherly way.

Since she was now living at Hogwarts and training with Poppy, she had more time to catch up with one of her best friends. But this time, they were in the Hog's Head Inn and joined by Sirius, Reg, Amelia, Alona, and Tonks. Her old friends and a new one.

Minus Sev, Alice, and Frank.

Sev was busy in his Potions laboratory, brewing the potion they had been experimenting with for months now. For Alice and Frank's condition. They hadn't told anyone about it apart from the healer in charge of Alice and Frank Longbottom at St. Mungo's. They wanted to get results first before telling the other healers and the family- Neville and Mrs Longbottom.

As promised, Severus had been helping with her research if the cure mentioned in the old books would apply to loss of sanity due to the Cruciatus Curse. They find out that it could... if the potions were modified for the patient.

And the potion was the reason why Severus wasn't here with them. She didn't want to go without him. She wanted to stay even though he wouldn't let her help with the potion-brewing until he was done experimenting; until he had the final recipe. But Sev knew how important it was for her to catch up with her friends - their old friends - so he asked Leo's help in convincing her to go.

"At least, this time, only Voldemort and his Death Eaters died," Amelia said softly. "There's no Battle of Hogwarts."

Remus heaved a sigh. "The Battle of Hogwarts," he grumbled.

"Drink, Moony." Sirius handed him a shot glass.

Remus held the shot glass but didn't drink it. Hermione carefully snatched the shot glass from him and drank the alcohol. She made a face that made the wizards laugh. "I honestly don't know why some people - Muggles, especially bend the elbow. It's bitter, and it makes me sick!"

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