Chapter 47

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DISCLAIMER: I do not own Harry Potter.


Chapter 47:

August 20, 1995

(the present)

Severus was intrigued when he saw a small box from Leo's bag and his name was written on it. Hermione handed it to him the other day when they were exploring the other contents of the bag from the future.

The box was charmed so that he could only open it (not that Hermione tried to open it, no, she handed it to him right away without questions). There were two things inside: a note and a vial of memory.

Watch it alone, the note said. It was his very own handwriting. He could feel his own signature of magic all over the box, the note, and the vial.

Tonight, Hermione was leaving to hang out with Mona in Muggle London. With a few glamours in her thirty-ish body, she was good to go. Nobody among Mona's friends would recognize her as Hermione Granger and Hermione Puckle.

Leo was already asleep, and he was sure none of his masters would summon him. Albus met him yesterday for some planning and then told him to enjoy the rest of the summer holidays with his family. The Dark Lord summoned him two days ago for some Potions brewing and he was pleased with his reports. The half-blood bastard told him to go back to Hogwarts and prepare for the coming term.

And so, this was the perfect opportunity he found to watch the memory.

He stood alone in his study, in from of the Pensieve. Carefully, he poured the contents of the vial into the marble basin and dived into his other self's memory.

He found himself in his office at Hogwarts.

"Professor Snape!" Hermione burst into his office, her face pale as a ghost's.

Severus quickly stood up from marking papers and approached the girl with a frown. "Miss Granger."

"Sixth-floor boys' bathroom, Professor... It's Harry... and Malfoy," she was stammering.

Severus placed his hands on Hermione's shoulders to keep her steady. "Miss Granger," he called firmly.

Hermione stopped stammering and looked at him in the eyes.

"Tell me what happened. Slowly," he instructed, his hands still on her shoulders.

"I heard shouting on my way to the seventh floor. I saw Harry and Malfoy in the sixth-floor boys' bathroom and he... Harry, he shouted a curse for enemy's from the Prince's book - "

Severus did not let her finish. He quickly dashed to the sixth-floor bathroom, enraged.

Visiting-Severus followed his a little-older self. He could hear him muttering.

"Please, not that curse, not that curse."

And he knew exactly right then and there what curse Potter used.

Visiting and Memory-Severus found Potter standing in the bathroom, staring at Draco's bleeding body on the floor. Visiting-Severus saw the fear in Potter's face. He saw Memory-Severus assisting Draco to the hospital wing. Worry was all over his face, even though he managed to heal him.

Visiting-Severus followed Memory-Severus on the sixth-floor boys' bathroom and the latter questioned Potter, and then instructed him to bring his Potions book.

Of course, the brat did not hand him Severus's book and Visiting-Severus scoffed.

The scened changed. He was in their Blackpool home.

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