Chapter 26

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Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter.


Chapter 26:

December 15, 1975

(twenty years ago)

A month had passed since the 'duelling incident', as Hermione called it. Sev healed her quickly, but she had lost a lot of blood, so she stayed in the hospital wing for three days. The headmaster called for Lily and Sev in two separate meetings with their Heads and with the presence of the two professors who witnessed the incident. Her parents also arrived because of Professor Flitwick's insistence that hers and Lily's parents should know.

Hermione was awoken one night by her mother's sobs. When she called her, Mrs. Puckle quickly went to her side.

"My baby... What happened to you? What was Lily Evans thinking?" She hugged her and ran hands on her hair and the small of her back.

"I'm fine now, Mum," she assured her.

"Thanks to Severus, he knew the counter-spell to heal you!" exclaimed Mrs. Puckle.

Hermione's memories were foggy the first time she woke in the hospital wing. Her parents were allowed to stay until she was released. Sev also visited frequently - mostly in his vacant periods.

"Professor Flitwick said that Lily Evans is going to be expelled," her mother told her the night before she was to be released. "Her parents came here earlier, begging me and your father to let their daughter finish her education."

"Mum, what did you tell them?" she asked in a worried tone.

"What she did to you was unforgivable!" Mrs. Puckle replied instead.

"But Mum... Sev and I invented the spell..." she reminded her.

"Yes and Sev told us and the headmaster," her mother informed her. "But Sev said you didn't test it on anyone, just on a Transfigured animal. Headmaster Dumbledore believed him because he was questioned under the Truth Potion, with the consent of his mother, of course..."

"But Mum, Lily's a witch. What will happen to her if she wouldn't be able to finish her studies?"

Her mother's eyes widened. "Sweetheart, she nearly killed you!"

"I know, Mum," she replied rather hesitantly. "And I don't think I will ever forgive her. But remember what you always told me and Mona? Kill people with kindness? I'm a much better person than she is. She's got a bad record already and surely, we can ask Headmaster Dumbledore to ensure my safety..."

Mrs. Puckle sat on the edge of her bed and cupped her face, searching her eyes. After a few moments, she sighed. "Oh, my darling Hermione! Your anger scares me... but your kindness is scarier."

And so Lily Evans remained at Hogwarts and was allowed to finish her magical education. She got a very long and emotional letter from Mrs. Evans, thanking her for what she did. She always liked Mrs. Evans and she was the sole reason why Hermione could tolerate Lily.

The news quickly spread and when she walked to the Great Hall after being released in the hospital wing, Ravenclaws, Hufflepuffs, and Slytherins (and her friends from Gryffindor) applauded her. She ducked her head and pulled Sev to the Ravenclaw table. She did her best not to look at Lily.

Because of what she did (and according to Sev, because of her duelling skills), many students from different houses showed respect to her by greeting her politely with 'Hello, Miss Puckle'. Even some Hufflepuffs like Alice commended her, saying something like 'If it were me, I wouldn't let her stay in school, no matter how kind I am.'

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