Chapter 5

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DISCLAIMER: I do not own Harry Potter.


Chapter 5:

July 25, 1995

(present time)

Hermione and Mrs. Weasley were crying in the library with the newspaper clippings laid on the coffee table in front of them. Hermione was sobbing silently, but Mrs. Weasley was crying openly. She placed a hand on the older witch's back, trying to comfort her.

She shook her head as she read one of the headlines.

Delphini Slytherin - The Dark Lord's Daughter

It turned out that sometime in 1998, before the so-called 'Battle of Hogwarts', Bellatrix Lestrange, Voldemort's strongest lieutenant, gave birth to a child out-of-wedlock and they called her 'Delphini'. She was Voldemort's and being conceived when her father still had seven Horcruxes (including Harry, to Hermione's grief) made Delphini a very powerful witch. At age seven, she could already duel even without a wand.

Hermione's eyes darted to the next clipping.

The Dark Lord Rises Again

Everyone in the year 2004 thought that Harry Potter finished Voldemort in 1998. But it was revealed by Voldemort himself in the year 2006 that he couldn't die. Nobody could kill him unless the Light side could risk having their souls tainted by destroying his final Horcrux: eight-year-old Delphini Slytherin.

Mrs. Weasley's sobs continued as she picked a particular clipping. It was about the Weasleys, being targeted by Death Eaters. It was revealed that Mrs. Weasley finished Bellatrix Lestrange off during the Battle of Hogwarts and little Delphini wanted to avenge her mother. Hermione and Mrs. Weasley also learned that they lost loved ones during the Battle of Hogwarts: Remus, Tonks, and Fred.

"I cannot let my son die," Mrs. Weasley cried.

Hermione hugged the woman she considered her second mother in the Wizarding world. "We won't, Mrs. Weasley. Leo was sent here for a purpose. I am sure, Professor Dumbledore is already planning how to prevent these things from happening," she said, trying to console her.

Mrs. Weasley held her hand appreciatively. "Thank you, Hermione. Even if you aren't the Hermione who sent him here."

"Professor Snape, er, Severus," she blushed at his name, so she ducked her head, "said that I have to watch the memories in the Pensieve with him and the headmaster. Apparently, there was an instruction in his future counterpart's letter that the Order has to plan as soon as possible. I will let you know if there's something we could do to keep your family safe," she offered.

Mrs. Weasley wiped her tears and forced a smile. "That's really kind of you, dear. Where are you going to watch the memories? The Order is planning to collect Harry two days from now. Originally, it's scheduled next week, but because of the Dementors in Little Whinging last night, Harry received a summon from the Ministry. He has to be here on Monday," the older witch explained.

Hermione's heart almost melted at the thought of her best friend facing two Dementors. "Poor Harry," she muttered. "Severus said, we cannot keep Leo here when Harry arrives, so he asked me earlier if I am willing to go with him to a safe house with Leo."

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