Chapter 41

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DISCLAIMER: I do not own Harry Potter.


Chapter 41:

August 4, 1995

(the present)

"What do I tell Harry and Ron?"

Hermione and Sev were in the Pensieve, watching Leo's parents - a younger-looking Hermione and older (but stress-free) Severus cozy on a couch in the living room of their Blackpool home. The memory was from 15 October 2000. It was a month after the other Hermione Granger came to the Hogwarts' Headmistress office and learned about her past as Hermione Puckle.

"I've been keeping this for almost a month now, and they noticed that I wasn't myself," she said.

Sev had an arm wrapped around her, and the other was holding her hand. She rested her head on his shoulder. They were both wearing Muggle clothes - casual shirts and denim trousers. On the table were half-empty cups of coffee.

"We did have real coffee this time," she giggled uncharacteristically on Sev's side. Sev smirked and didn't say anything.

"It's surprising they noticed something. Aren't you good at hiding secrets?" asked Sev gently.

Hermione sighed heavily. "Sev, it's been two years since the war ended. I've been more relaxed and I'm not an Auror like Harry and Ron, so I don't take a leaf out of Mad-Eye's book from time to time."

Sev caressed Hermione's hand. "Tell them what Mona and Chad told you and show them some memories?" he suggested. "I believe they are matured now, given the fact that they passed the Auror training. They should be more objective and clever this time."

Hermione pulled away just enough to stare at Sev. She smiled affectionately. "They are, and I am proud of them. Harry's managed his temper, and Ron no longer has an emotional range of a teaspoon."

Sev nodded and smiled a bit. "That's good." But he didn't sound happy.

Hermione frowned. "What?"

He frowned as well. "What?" he echoed.

"You look... well, uncomfortable."

Sev ran his hand on her arms up and down. "I'm not exactly their favourite person, even though Potter respects me now, ever since my name had been cleared and it was revealed that I was Dumbledore's 'man'." He said the last word bitterly. "But it doesn't change the fact that I treated you all poorly and harshly in school."

"Why didn't you show him in the Pensieve the real reason why you were protecting him? Why only the memories of you and Albus? Of you being a spy?"

"I only wanted him to understand Dumbledore's plan and that I wasn't an enemy. Moreover, I wasn't friends with his father since our seventh year, so there's not much to show him. I didn't intend to die as well, so there's no point. I'd rather tell you first about it."

Hermione beamed. "That's it! Let's show Harry first the real reason why you protected him and why Albus trusted you deeply! And then we can show him about us, my friendship with James, and our missions during the First Wizarding War. Then I can break to him who Hermione Puckle is."

Sev smiled at her affectionately. "That's a good idea, dear."

Hermione grinned and leaned forward to kiss him.

Visiting-Hermione and Severus exchanged knowing smiles and tightened their holds to each other's hands.

The scene faded. It was a memory from 15 November 2000. The other Hermione and Severus were in their home again, in the basement - their Potions lab. Memory-Severus was wearing a wizard's robes, and Hermione was in her usual shirt and denim trousers. Hermione's hair was more silky and soft, and she tied it in a ponytail. Severus, on the other hand, no longer had shoulder-length hair. It was still considered long for a man, but only reached behind his neck and was neater and silkier.

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