Chapter 11

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DISCLAIMER: I do not own Harry Potter.


Chapter 11:

July 27, 1995

(the present)

Hermione felt like she was going to puke. They just had lunch less than an hour ago, and now she felt her stomach twisting at the scene she was watching in the Pensieve.

Hermione was lying on the floor of the Malfoy Manor drawing-room. She looked like a mess - her hair was disheveled, her Muggle denim trousers were muddy, her shirt and jacket were tattered as if someone tore them away, partly revealing her brassiere. Bellatrix Lestrange was straddling her, holding a knife. She was carving on Hermione's left arm and the latter was screaming in pain.

"Hermione!" Ron was screaming desperately from somewhere inside the house. "Please, not Hermione! Take me instead! Don't hurt Hermione!"

"Darling husband," came Bellatrix's nasty voice, "do me a favour. Make that blood traitor shut up."

"Make the carving faster, Bella. Greyback's getting impatient. He wants to have her now."

Just when Ron's pleas faded, Hermione's screams continued.

Visiting-Hermione was sobbing in the arms of Severus, feeling so scared and disgusted at the same time. "Please, please," she was whispering against his chest. "Let this end."

Severus was holding her tight and he kissed her forehead. "This is just a memory. This is not going to happen," he whispered back rather comfortingly. "I will not let this happen to you, my dear. Please, please calm down."

After what felt like an hour for Visiting-Hermione, Memory-Hermione's screams were gone.

"Is she dead?" came a new male voice.

"Are you dead, Mudblood?" asked Bellatrix. "You're no fun. I shall give you to Greyback then."

"Noooo!" someone screamed.

"Harry?" She turned her head and saw her older self, Harry, and Ron being rescued by Dobby.

The next scenes happened so fast that Hermione did not notice she was already on the floor, hugging her knees. Severus knelt beside her and pulled her to him.

Her older self Polyjuiced as Bellatrix Lestrange to get a Horcrux - the Hufflepuff Cup - from the Lestrange Vault at Gringotts Bank. She, Harry, and Ron rode a dragon.

They fought in the Final Battle... and Voldemort was defeated by Harry.

When the scenes faded, Hermione found herself being lifted in a bridal style by Severus and he laid her to a couch in the study. He left her side for a few moments and when he returned, he was holding a glass of Firewhisky and a vial. He handed her the potion. "Calming Draught for you, dear," he said gently.

Hermione did not hesitate to drink the potion as Severus drank the Firewhisky all at once.

Hermione's eyes darted to the headmaster who was silently sitting in a wingback chair. His eyes were closed.

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