The Final Chapter

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DISCLAIMER: Harry Potter belongs to the brilliant JK Rowling.


A/N: After two years, we've finally come to an end, my dear fellow SevMione shippers! I had written the first few chapters of this story when the COVID-19 started to get the worries off my mind. It has been a great honour to share this story with you. I loved writing Leo. He's so much like my son - also asking for a baby brother. But unlike Hermione, we haven't been blessed with a second one yet.

Thank you for keeping up with me and "Leo". See you in the following stories!


The Final Chapter:

March 26, 1997

(five years ago)

Hermione was sitting in the rocking chair, holding her newborn son to her chest, nursing him.

Sebastian Richard Snape. They had named him after the "Twelfth Night" character, Sebastian - twin brother of Viola. Hermione and Severus agreed to honour Chad, her second father; the man who raised her after she was cursed to infancy; another great man aside from Robert Puckle, Richard Granger. Chad was ecstatic and declared the newborn 'the son he never had'.

Bastian had Leo's black curls, Hermione's eyes and nose, and Sev's grumpiness (according to Eileen). He looked like Leo - probably because he was supposed to be Leo, born at a different time. Leo, on the other hand, was over the moon when his brother was born. He always wanted to look after him and show his affection.

Bastian was born six days ago at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. She woke up in the morning in pain. She woke up late, and Severus was already teaching. Leo was not in their quarters and she guessed he was already playing outside. Poppy asked her to go on maternity leave a week early, so she didn't have to work and get up early in the morning. She could feel she was going to give birth any minute now, so she dressed up and walked out of their quarters to Sev's classroom in the dungeons. Sev was discussing the Garish pink blended poison to sixth-year NEWT students which included her friends when Hermione banged the door open and yelled: "Class dismissed!"

Harry and Ron were sitting close to the door, so they got to her first since Severus was on the opposite side of the room. They held her until Sev carried her in his arms and took her to the hospital wing. After four hours, they finally met Bastian. Her family - the Puckles and the Grangers and Eileen were allowed to visit to see the newest member of the family. The next day, her friends came by - Remus (with Tonks), Harry, Ron, Ginny, and Neville. Her friends at the ministry sent cards, and gifts for her and Bastian. They also named Remus Bastian's godfather. Her old friend blushed furiously and muttered something she didn't understand, but Tonks was beside him and she declared that they were happy to be Bastian's godparents. At first, Hermione was confused, but then, Tonks lifted her left hand and Hermione saw something glittering. Remus and Tonks were getting married in December, during the Christmas hols. Molly and Arthur also visited, admitting that they missed Leo, but also brought handmade clothes for Bastian. Hermione heard from Molly that Bill and Fleur were planning to get married as well. Molly also said she already met Percy's new girlfriend (apparently, the future mother of little Molly from Leo's time).

After nursing Bastian and when he was finally asleep, Hermione carefully laid him in his crib and silently left her children's room. She went to the sitting area and cleared the toys lying around. She found their wedding album lying open on the coffee table. She smiled, sure that Leo took it from the shelf. He loved looking at his parents' wedding photos.

Hermione sat on the couch and held the album on her lap. She and Severus got married at the Burrow. They had originally planned to just go to the Ministry and have the new Minister for Magic bond them, but Molly and Arthur offered their humble abode as the venue of their wedding since it happened in Leo's parents' time.

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