Chapter 28

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DISCLAIMER: I don't own Harry Potter.


Chapter 28:

September 19, 1976

(nineteen years ago)

Hermione was sitting under her favourite tree, facing the lake. She was hugging her blanket-covered legs, a Charms textbook was lying by her feet.

She wasn't in the mood to read, which was very rare if you were Hermione Puckle. She always loved reading and there was never a day in her life when she didn't read.

But for the past half an hour, all Hermione did was hugged and caressed the blanket wrapped around her legs.

It was her grandmother's. She had her first attack a few days before Easter Sunday and Hermione's parents brought her to their Cokeworth home. Hermione had to cancel her plans with Sev and Lady Prince to return to her family and help in taking care of her gran. Sev returned to Cokeworth with her. He met her grandmother twice and they got along well. After Easter, they returned to school. Her gran recovered, but in August, while Hermione was home for the summer holidays, her gran passed away. Sev was there for her when they buried her gran, and so was Mona's boyfriend, Richard.

It had been a month since, and Hermione could still feel the pang of hurt and loneliness in her heart. She and Mona had been writing to each other almost every day since she returned to Hogwarts. They shared the pain and loneliness through letters, and somehow, her sister made her feel better.

She heard footsteps and suddenly, she was reminded that she hadn't been spending time with her friends anymore, since they all returned for their sixth year. Sev was always there, but they didn't talk much.

"Gran is at peace now, Mione. Mum is right, we have to accept and move on. It's not as if she died tragically. She died happily; peacefully. It's time for her to go. We will all miss her, but we should continue living our lives to the fullest, right? Talk to Sev and your friends. Write to me every Sunday, but spend most of your time with the people who are physically there for you," her sister wrote.

She was right, of course. She had friends who were still waiting for her to join them. She had Sev - the best boyfriend anyone could ever have.

I'm not going to let good friendships and a beautiful relationship slip. I should go back to them and seize every moment with them, she finally decided, so when Hermione heard footsteps, she forced a smile and turned to her boyfriend who was standing beside the tree hesitantly.

"Hi," she greeted.

Sev smiled rather sadly. "Happy birthday," he whispered.

She stood up and picked up her blanket and book. "Thank you," she said, trying to be cheerful. "Do you have something for me?"

Sev looked surprised but recovered quickly. "Yes!" he replied rather cheerfully. "Of course!"

She raised an eyebrow and gave him a teasing look. "Well, where is it?"

"It's in our classroom. I wasn't sure if - " he trailed off, looking hesitant. "If I'd find you."

She smiled genuinely and hooked her arm around his, which deeply surprised Sev, by the look in his face. "Well, I'm excited to know what you got me this year." And she started walking with him.

Sev seemed to relax when she started speaking cheerfully. "I've got you a few things. I hope they're to your liking."

She squeezed his arm and leaned her head on his shoulder for a moment. "I cherish anything you give me."

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