Chapter 61

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DISCLAIMER: I do not own Harry Potter.


Chapter 61:

January 20-21, 1996

(ten days ago)

Draco Malfoy had, never in a million years, imagined that he would be willingly standing in an abandoned classroom with Potter and Granger without taunting them. He had always thought that he was better than them - Potter being a clueless half-blood who just escaped the Dark Lord at least two times by the skin of his goddamned teeth because of luck, and Granger being a mud-

Muggleborn, he corrected himself inwardly.

It didn't help that his godfather and head of the Slytherin House, Potions Master Severus Snape was whispering to her and his hand was on Granger's one shoulder, and Potter didn't even protest or give any negative reaction.

Not that he wanted to continue living with the Dark Lord, but he was gobsmacked the day his father, Lucius Malfoy, the most prejudiced Pureblood he ever knew, told him that he wanted out. As early as eight years old, Draco already knew that the Knights of the Walpurgis, also known as Death Eaters, were not a social circle. To even think of turning one's back to the Dark Lord was already a treason and punishable by death. There was no way out. Only death.

But then, the impossible happened. His father and mother trained him with Occlumency and asked him to stay at a secret Malfoy estate in Scotland instead of asking him to go back to Malfoy Manor in Wiltshire. There, his parents confessed that they had decided to work against the Dark Lord and turn to Albus Dumbledore, the only wizard the Dark Lord feared.

Truth be told, he wanted out, too, even before the Dark Lord could Mark him. The moment he saw him last year, the summer after his fourth year, he wanted to vomit, not only because of how horrible he looked but because of how vile he was. Draco and his best friends, Theo and Pansy, had a front-row seat of his cruelty even to those loyal to him.

Draco did not wish his future heir - not that he had a girlfriend or even someone betrothed - to live in a world where someone could harm them by simply existing. That was why when his parents told him their plan, he didn't question them and instantly swore his cooperation.

He had two tasks. One: watch Potter and Granger talking so he could have a vivid memory of the conversation when he showed it to the Dark Lord. He was going to modify the events before and after Potter and Granger's conversation so it wouldn't seem like an act since the Dark Lord would likely just focus on what Potter would be saying. Two: take care of the snake. Sounds simple? Not really. He, Theo, and Pansy had to help Mr Arturius Brown get into the Dark Lord's private rooms in the Manor, create a diversion, and let the full-fledged wizard kill the snake. That should be ten days from now, said his father and Professor Snape.

"Harry, are you ready?" Granger's voice drifted Draco from his musings. She was standing ten feet away from Potter and Professor Snape was still beside her, an arm around her shoulders.

They look intimate, Draco observed. Draco had known his godfather since he was in nappies. He had never touched anyone like that; not even Draco's mother who treated him like family.

Potter nodded and gave Granger a small smile, a curt nod to Professor Snape. "Let's bite the bullet."

Potter turned to him. "You ready, Malfoy?"

He shrugged. "As ready as I should be."

"Let's leave the room, then, Draco," Professor Snape said and approached him, but only after dropping a kiss on Granger's temple. "Later, dear," he whispered.

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