Chapter 7

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DISCLAIMER: I do not own Harry Potter.


Have you guys read "Delilah's Black Book of Poems" by Dark Whisper?

It's one of my favourites. Please find it online!


Chapter 7:

July 26, 1969

(twenty-six years ago)

Severus was patiently waiting for Hermione in the park. Since meeting her yesterday, he couldn't get her off his mind. When he went to bed last night, he felt excited, knowing that she was expecting to see him again and when he woke up this morning, it was Hermione Puckle who he thought of. He dutifully helped his mother with the chores until after lunch, before sneaking one of her books called "Hogwarts: A History". To the eyes of the Muggles, it was just an ordinary and blank journal, that's why his father didn't snatch it away from him when he arrived one night and saw him clutching the book. He only murmured something about 'rubbish diary writing'.

Severus wanted to share his knowledge about Hogwarts to Hermione, hoping that she would spend more time with him and they'd be friends.

"Lily, stop that nonsense this instant!"

Severus turned his head and saw the two familiar girls who weren't interested in befriending someone like him - thin as a skeleton, especially in his hand-me-down clothes. They were wearing beautiful summer dresses and their hair was both in braids.

So that green-eyed girl's name is Lily. How common, he mused.

"Tuney, I can do magic!" Lily said excitedly as she made a flower in her hand float in the air.

"There's no such thing as magic! It's all in your head!" said the older of the two girls - Tuney, who had blonde hair and a long neck that reminded Severus of a horse.

Lily paid her sister no mind. She walked to the swing, near the spot where Severus was sitting. He was partly hidden behind a tree, but when Lily went to the swing, she noticed him. The good-looking redhead girl momentarily stopped and stared at her with fear in her bright green eyes. Severus didn't move, but instead, clutched his book to his chest.


He jerked his head and saw Hermione and her sister, Mona, walking towards him. They were both wearing simple, shirts and trousers. Mona's straight hair was neatly held by a headband and Hermione's curls were wild as they were yesterday.

Hermione saw Lily and she froze. "Oh, Lily! You're here," she said matter-of-factly.

What? Do they know each other?

"You're friends with him?" asked Lily's sister who stepped forward and pointed at him rudely.

"That not nice, Petunia," chided Hermione's sister, Mona.

"Whatever," said Petunia dismissively. "He lives in a terraced house near the closed factories, by the dirty river."

"And your point is?" asked Mona in a bored tone. Severus wanted to smirk at that, but he stopped himself.

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