Chapter - 35

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Hoseok's POV:
"Dash...", "Aaahhh...", both the sounds echoed in that mansion one after another...slicing the tranquilled vicinity.

I couldn't keep my raged thoughts inside me anymore after listening to his disgusting words about my Amy and attacked him with a ceramic vase that I found near the door. The vase crashed on his head letting the vase to be broken in pieces and few drops of scarlet fluid to flow from his head towards his chin.

The phone fell down from his hand on the tiled floor and crashed in pieces immediately. He turned back just to find me standing there with fire in my eyes.

He was beyond shocked. His eyes widened to see an unknown person hitting him to death.

"Wh...who are you?", he uttered, gasping irregularly for air.

I grabbed his collar and growled on his face, "Your death."

I punched him hard on his face as the words left my mouth. He fell back on the hard tiled surface. He held his head on one hand and facr with the other.

While scooting away from me he tried to speak, "Wh...why wanna kill me? Wh...what I ha....have done to you?"

I pounced on him, grabbing his throat I growled again, "What you have done? You have done a sin...a big sin and you have to pay for that."

With those words I held his head with my both hands and smashed it on the table aside. He became dizzy and shuttered few steps.

"With these flithy hands you touched Amy...huh?!", I roared, holding his hands infront of his face, "How dare you to lay your fingers on her? Do you know how much pain you have given to her? I'll show you!"

I interlocked my fingers with his and started to bend his fingers in opposite direction. He groaned in pain and tried to free his hand but I gripped it tighter.

In few moments I could clearly hear the cracking of bones and his anguish scream of pain.

"Now you felt the pain you gave to my Amy?"

" you? Aaahh....aah. Leave my hands...leav...leave me!"

I punched him hard on his face, "Shut your filthy mouth."

I threw him on the chair and tied him with the rope. He squirmed to get rid of the rope tied around his body but invain.

I chuckled, "Its all useless you know."

I slowly walk upto him with an iron rod in my hand.

"You know I can kill you in an instant but it won't be fun if you die so easily.", I smirked, "You touched her with your these filthy hands isn't it? Let me see if you can touch someone else with these hands ever again."

I hit his both arms one after one with the rod hardly making him scream on top of his lungs.

"How could you even think about her like that?"

I again hit him hard but this time on his both legs.

"Aaaahh! Ple....please....please me. Ple....plea.... please!"

"Spare you!! Did you spared Amy? Did you let her go?", I shouted ferrociously, " didn't. Infact you tried your best to harass make her give herself to you and now you're asking me to spare you. How could you even think about it?"

I answered him with another hit on his both arms and the room filled with his agonising shriek.

I don't know why but a wave of satisfaction flowed inside by body on hearing his heart ripping screams. A satisfied smirk dances on my lips.

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