⚡️Chapter Thirty Three⚡️

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Picture above: the 7 main suspects for Hortensia's death
They look so innocent 🥺 especially Peyton, Tia and Tamera 😞

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Inspirational Quote:

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do, so throw off the bowlines, sail away from safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails.  Explore, Dream, Discover.
—Mark Twain

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Tia & Tamera

Even though Lisa and Ray had trusted the twins well enough to stay at home and not go to Lauretta and Tunmise's birthday party...

They really shouldn't have.

It had been awfully quiet since the girls had gone to the party, but Lisa and Ray knew that they were studying and they didn't want to disturb them.

Ha. Or so they thought...

Hortensia's death had just arrived on the news with Lisa watching it.

She was actually just about to watch Desperate Housewives: Season 5, Episode 7 on the TV but was cut short when Hortensia's death had come up instead.

She was even eating popcorn, but not for the news. For the episode she had started but she didn't finish on Desperate Housewives.

It was very dramatic.

"Yo, Ray! Come look at this."

Ray was making dinner which they had taken turns on, and he had watched the news with her.

He wanted to know what had happened.

"Awww. Some kid called Hortensia died. She looked lovely," Lisa lamented.

We have found out the main suspects of her death, although before we show you guys the photos, Hortensia's family has asked us to share this eulogy about her.

Hortensia Robison was a very...

"Hortensia Robinson?" Lisa had repeated, turning turning down the TV completely. Then she had immediately kissed her teeth. "Oh hell no!"

"Who's Hortensia Robinson?"

Apparently she was this girl that had picked on Tia back in the day.

Before Tia and Tamera had met each other for the first time (they had been adopted separately, and were also separated at birth)...

Hortensia had actually gone to the same school as Tia, and she had made her life miserable.

"Did Tia do anything to make her life miserable though?" Ray wanted to know, sitting down right next to her. "Not taking sides, by the way. I'm just curious."

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