✨Chapter Forty Seven✨

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Inspirational Quote:

"When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be."
—Lao Tzu

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All of Them

Tia, Tamera and Tunmise were done for.

Lisa had just come inside the room and now she wanted to know why it had smelt like Chinese.

Not only that but she wanted to know why the heck there were so many boxes full of Chinese food in the bin at the same time.

"Now I know you three couldn't possibly finish seven boxes of Chinese food by yourself, and those weren't there before either. So until you tell me what's going on, then I ain't leaving. You understand that?"

The girls had looked at one another then they had looked back at Lisa again.

There was no point lying to her because not only would they have gotten into trouble for lying?

Lisa had known Tia and Tamera well enough to be able to detect when they were lying as well.

Tia was the one that had broken the news to Lisa as she was her mum after all, sighing.

"Peyton, Rashani, Lauretta, Tunmise and Kazaynah, you guys can come out now."

Lisa was confused as to what was happening, that was until they had all come out from their hiding places.

Kazaynah in the wardrobe.

Rashani in the bathroom, but then again he actually had to use it... so it wasn't really a hiding place that much.

And the girls under the bed.

Lisa didn't say anything much, really wanting to yell at the twins for having Kazaynah over.

Because as far as she was concerned?

She had thought that she had told them to never speak to them again.

And she did.

"Tia, when did you start disobeying your mum?" Ray added, standing up.

She didn't even know, although Tamera must have influenced her in some way because this was normally something that she would have done.

No disrespect to her.

"I just wanted to go to the party. Everybody else was going to be there."

"So because everybody else, was there, you therefore had to go?" Lisa yelled, folding her arms.

She had been annoyed at Tia and Tamera too for that matter before but this had to be the worst thing they had ever done.

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