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Part 7:
Boy Meets Evil

Kim Nam Joon

Even though I was already feeling so sleepy, I tried my best to be alert and stay focused on my job as a gasoline boy. With my shift in the night and finishes in the morning, I have to stay up from twelve in the midnight to six in the morning.

I was eating a lollipop like what I usually do when I am on duty while waiting for cars that will have their tanks be filled with gasoline. I got up from my seat when a car parked in front of me.

"Full tank?" I asked as the window of the car rolled down. "Yes please full tank... Oh if it wasn't your lucky day..." he said as I didn't mind him and opened up his tank to fill it up while still in my sleepy state.

"If it wasn't the genius Kim Namjoon... Always tops in class during elementary to high school. Graduated with flying colors in college as an electrical engineer and now working as a gasoline boy?"

The driver said as he peeked his head out of his car's window with a big smirk plastered on his face as he looked at me like he was mocking me. But I didn't mind him at all, and let him brawl until he gets tired.

I think that he was my classmate back then and I can clearly remember his name, so he must know me but I didn't bother to mind him at all. He is not someone important anyway.

"Is this your work now? I am not the top of the class but I am working at JN electronics as one of the head electrical engineer how about you mister top one? A gasoline boy?" he mocked as I closed the cover of his tank with a force.

"That would be twenty four dollars and fifty one cents." I said as he got money from his wallet as he held it out to me but then purposely dropping it in the process. I sighed in annoyance but I just picked it up after a second.

"Keep the change and oh yeah take care of this..." he said laughing as he dropped a bag of garbage before heading out of the gasoline station quickly. Leaving me frustrated with his garbage scattered around.

I just simply drop the lollipop before picking up the garbage and throw it all in the trash bin then I placed the twenty-five dollars in the cashier that he paid for the gasoline.

I just waited in there like noting had happened, filling up the tanks of cars that by pass the gasoline station at that hour until my shift was over in the morning.

Then I placed my cap in my head like I would always do when the one who will be in duty this morning arrived. Dressing in shabby clothes like this is very comfortable so I like going around with it.

I just walked my way on going home until I came across the over pass in the highway. I went up there and stayed in my usual spot looking out for the girl who is handing out flyer for her father's restaurant promotion.

I always see her in the exact place every morning after my shift in the gasoline station, that's why I requested for my shift to be permanently moved to midnight to morning so that I could see her from a far day by day.

No matter whether be it is hot or cold, she didn't get tired of handing out flyer to passer by which sometimes ignore her or others just accept the flyer with out reading it. She is always bringing a bag with her, in my opinion is that she is a student.

Twenty minutes before the clock ticks seven, she stopped handing out the flyer and started heading down the bus stop. But before she could leave, suddenly some of the flyer fell down.

So, I immediately run to help her pick it up. I also handed her a bottle of water that I prepared on hand earlier as she hesitantly accepted it before bowing her head and walking away.

Months of observing her from afar, I noticed that she doesn't bring water with her. When she started walk away I noticed that she was used a rubber band to keep her hair in place. I quickly followed her to the bus stop like her usual routine that became mine too.

She used her bus card while I used my coins as a fare like always. She sat a few seats away from me while I sit on the back. The fact is that I am not struggling in terms of money.

JN electronics, the one that my classmate was talking about earlier where he works is mine. I got busy running it after it became successful that's why I lost contact with my friends.

But I tend to keep a low profile as a gasoline boy because the girl that I was following for months hates high profiled people. I don't know why I am doing this anyway.

But when I started to like her the first time I had meet her one year ago while on my way to work. She handed me a flyer of her father's restaurant. Crazy things entered my mind just to make her notice me.

I was mesmerized by her beauty and by her beautiful brown dough eyes that time. So I had visited their restaurant after work and grab the chance to talk to her father.

That's when I learned that she hates well off people because her mother left them in exchange for a rich man that she fell in love with when she was eight years old and then left them for good.

That's why I decided to work on the gasoline station nearby the over pass where she usually hand out flyer and decided to observe her from afar while learning her usual routine.

Twenty minutes before seven she will ride a bus to the university and then after class she will help her father in the restaurant as her daily routine. That's what she always do.

I got off on the stop near my small apartment and decided that I will not follow her to her school since I already knew her usual routine. I only followed her secretly a whole week after I visited their restaurant. That's when I learned her routine.

Her name is Yoo Jeong Yeon, she is two years younger than me. But I don't mind the age gap at all as it's not that a big gap. It's only roughly two years anyway.

But I like her on the first day I lay my eyes on her but she doesn't seem to recognize me or even know me because I haven't introduced myself to her formally because of my awkwardness and for being a coward too.

She just know me as the annoying gasoline boy that she came across every morning and an annoying customer at their restaurant every night. But I wanted to get close to her.

I got inside my apartment and took my company phone to make a call. My company can work without me because I have trusted people. It started from nothing two years ago when it boomed and became big after only three months.

Lucky him, I remember his name thanks to my photographic memory. "Hello John, fire one of the head electrical engineers named Song Gong Pyo and look for a replacement immediately a fresh graduate with a good attitude.
I hate big headed people working in my company. And send me all the reports this months and I will look into them." I said without giving my secretary a chance to talk as I dropped the call immediately.

I can be bossy when it comes to my original work but I am completely smitten by one person named Jeongyeon. Then I suddenly remembered that she was wearing a rubber band for a hair tie that must hurt her head.

I immediately grabbed my wallet and went to the mall to buy her a hair tie. It only took me a few minutes to get in there with a taxi, I went directly to a popular store which sells all kinds of things for women.

I run my sight to the hair tie section and find the perfect one for her. I saw a simple black band with a small diamond ribbon adorned to it. I held it as I smiled to myself, it will suit her perfectly.

The small diamond ribbon is unnoticeable if you don't look clearly. Like what she is, she is a gem among a pile of rock that will only be find if you look harder.

"I will get this..." I said to the cashier as she smiled at me. "That would be twenty thousand dollars sir, the small diamond in here is 24k real diamond.
It will suit your girlfriend for sure. This tie is called the diamond in the rough." she described as I handed her my atm card.

She immediately processed my payment and put the hair tie that I bought in a small paper bag. The diamond in the rough just like her. Now the only thing that is my problem is how would I give this to her?

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