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Part 31:

Kim Tae Hyung

"Please stop, it hurts... Stop hitting me, I didn't do anything against you, I promised." I can hear her cries coming from the next unit that made my anger suddenly boiled inside me.

"Where the hell did you go then? I heard that you left the unit after a few days while I was gone?" the bastard shouted then I heard a loud crashing of something.

I closed my eyes as I clenched my teeth while I stand next to the counter of my kitchen. "Then why are you still alive without any food for the past two weeks? Tell me who helped you?" the man shouted as I heard her groan in pain.

"One of our neighbors, one of our neighbors was kind-hearted to help me, please stop hitting me... I already told you the truth!" I punched the countertop as I heard her beg.

"Only a man lives close to this unit so he is our only neighbor... Only the man next door is our closest neighbor... Tell me is he your other lover?" he asked angrily shouting this time.

"No, no not him I swear... The unit next to him... Jihyo unnie and her boyfriend Daniel Oppa had helped me when I was hungry left with nothing... They let me ate at their apartment every mealtime."

She lied to him by using Jihyo and Daniel's name as I heard another crushing from the next unit. Don't he know that the kitchen is close to every unit to your next and it's not soundproof?

I closed my eyes with my knuckles clenched tightly then I sighed deeply before opening my eyes again with a smirk plastered in my face as I reached into the cupboard on top of the counter.

I took two wine glasses that I have reserved for special occasions as I smiled to myself. Then I reached for the wine cellar where I placed my collection of branded wines.

I poured wine into the wine glasses and left it on the counter for a while as I reached for the medicine cabinet. I looked into the secret compartment and took a purple-colored pill out of there.

"This will taste bittersweet, but I'm sure it will make you shut up for a day..." I said as I mixed the power of the pill to the other glass of wine. I took the other one without the pill with me in my left hand as the one with the pill is in my right.

Then I went to the unit next door, I ring the doorbell then the angry dog was the one who opened the door for me. "What?! What do you want boy?" he asked as I gave him a smirk.

"I heard that you just went back from an overseas trip. To celebrate your return, I have a present for you. Here take this glass of wine with you." I said as I made a grin while I handed him the wine glass in my right hand.

He immediately accepted it and was about to close the door when I stopped him. "I already accepted you damn wine, now aren't you going to leave. You see we have a lover's quarrel in here... Scram!" he said as I looked inside to see Tzuyu trying to hide.

"Aren't you gonna drink it first? How about we make a toast?" I proposed as he impatiently made a toast with me, then we both drink the wine. "This tastes bittersweet, but it's delicious..." he commented as he finished the glass.

"Yep, it's really a good wine, I had stored this for a year already..." I smirked as I mentally counted to ten as his eyes began to flutter as he held his head like he was feeling extreme pains.

After I finished counting up to ten, he just began going around in circles slowly losing his balance before he just suddenly fell to the floor, laying there unconscious...

"Now you can shut up, you annoying bastard! I have enough of hearing your shouts every day." I said as I grinned looking at his state. When I looked up, I saw the horror in Tzuyu's eyes while looking at the fallen Rei.

"Taehyung? Did you kill him? What happened to him? I don't want you to become a killer." she said while tears are flowing into her cheek that made me went back to myself.

"Don't worry Tzu, I am not crazy enough to kill him. He is just asleep, go to my unit and treat your wound in there. Make sure to lock all the doors and all the windows while I am gone.
I need to go somewhere around to calm down myself first before my mind changes and kill him this instant for hurting you." I said as she nodded her head and went to my side.

She gave me a tight hug before she whispered in my ear. "Thank you for saving me again. I really owe you a lot of things already." she said as I moved her head so I can see her face with those new bruises.

"Always, anyway when he wakes up he won't remember anything and may act weird but he won't hurt you for the meantime, he won't dare to do it after what I did to him.
Go to my unit for now and treat your wounds in there, I really need to let my anger outright, he dared to add more bruises in your beautiful face." I said as she nodded and went out of the unit.

I know to myself that I had almost killed him if I got the other pill, what am I thinking? I can't control myself when I am angry. I need to get a tranquilizer shot or anything that will calm me down.

I immediately went to Seoul medical hospital to visit an old friend who gives me a shot to calm down my anger. I need to visit him before I go rigid when I can't calm down.

He gave me the right amount of shots to keep myself in line and calm. I can't just let him out that easily. After visiting my old friend who is a doctor, I went to the rooftop of the building and have a grasp of fresh air.

I thought this place would be technically empty at this time since it was already late at night but I was surprised to see a patient standing along the railings of the rooftop.

"You know if you are going to jump off this building you won't really die, it's only the seventh floor, and this is the lowest building. Besides, you will just fall on a trampoline down there if you jump off this place.
They placed one below after cases of patients jumping off the rooftop. You better jump at Namsan Tower." I said to the man as I look at the city lights. It's really a calming scene.

"Thanks but no thanks, I am still in the right state of mind so I won't jump off. I am not crazy to kill myself over worthless things. I just wanted to think on when will I be able to get out of this place..."

He just simply responded to me as his hair was being blown away by the wind while he stares at the city lights. I on the other hand just chuckled because of his straight response.

"Don't worry Jimin, you will get out of here..." I said as I turned back and started heading to the elevator. I just want to go and walk away or hide in the shadows like I used to.

"Wait, how did you know my name?" he shouted as I looked back at him and throw a piece of crumpled paper at him like what I did to Yoongi hyung two weeks ago while I was in a stroll at night.

He immediately caught the paper before it was blown away, which won't happen since I placed a stone in between the crumpled paper. It made the paper heavier than usual.

"Taehyung... Do you know that Namjoon hyung and Jin hyung are looking for you? Do you know that Jin hyung is back?" he asked as I smiled at my friend that I haven't met for two years.

"I know, I can feel it when someone is looking for me but I don't want to show myself. I just stay within my shadows, but if someone doesn't want to see me I will appear before them. Call me when you need me." I said as I turned back while placing my hand in my pockets.

The phrase that I use call me when you need me is exactly the opposite of what I mean to say. It means call me when you don't need me or when you have nothing to talk about with someone.

I am a man who always stays in his shadows, I don't want to involve myself in other's business as I don't want them to find out that I have a double personality. I do not want them to know that I sometimes make crazy moves like the one I did earlier.

The only person whom I interfere with is Tzuyu... She was my shining light during those days whenever my other personality was taking over me. She guided me back to my usual self.

I want to save her in return I want her to save me too. Broken people often find their saving grace in some people like them right? We are broken souls that are fixing each other's hearts, we may be meant to be.

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