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Part 19:

Jung Ho Seok

"Careful, you might fall completely if I wasn't able to catch you immediately..." someone said from behind me while holding my hand so that I wouldn't fall like assisting me.

I lost my balance as soon as I immediately get up after waking up without even realizing that I was lying down on a bed. I turned around to look who had held my hand because the voice really seems familiar.

But I still had my eyes closed from the sudden movement. "Hoseok?" he said that made me open my eyes as I was shocked to see Jimin standing in front of me wearing a hospital gown just like me.

However he also looks shocked when he saw me. He immediately let go of my hand as we both sit on the bed while facing each other. I didn't expect to see him here actually...

"Jimin? What are you doing at the hospital? The last thing I remember is that I went home from the house of the one who had found me and take care of me for the past two weeks that I was away.
I was talking to mister and missis Song I had probably no I mean I have definitely had passed out again, they must have probably brought me here." I explained to him according to how much I can recall.

"Me... I think my parents had brought me inside my prison cell again... Sorry for disappearing and appearing from time to time and for not telling you the soonest, you are my best friend but I was able to keep a secret from you.
It is that I am always brought to the hospital for they think that I am not well. I may have Mina got worried for leaving her at the university after her winning the competition." he said filling me up with details that I needed.

I could feel that he is guilty for not telling me about his sudden disappearance and sudden appearance from time to time. If the same thing happened to me I would probably have done the same thing.

And above all I was happy that Mina was able to join and win the competition that she dreamed of winning. Sad at the same time because I made them worry about me.

"Don't worry Jimin, I am not really mad about it, I understand why you did that somehow and Mina won? So Momo and Mina are probably friends." I said as I purposely whispered the last phrase but I guess he was able to hear it anyway.

"Yup she won... Anyway, I will have to call Mina and tell her that you are with me so that she won't worry anymore." he said as he searched for his phone on his belongings from the side table and call my sister since my phone is still in our apartment.

"Hello Mina... Yeah don't worry about me I am all okay and well, I just came across the news about your bother's location. I am already here with Hoseok right now.
I'm sorry for not informing you before hand because you were still busy at school. I just went ahead to the location..." he said as he went silent for a while probably listening to my sister's response.

"Yup, he is here in Seoul Medical Hospital... Mister and missis Song, our neighbor was kind enough to bring him here after he pass out again on his way to our apartment...
Anyway can you come here after you're done at the university? Room , yes... He is currently staying at that room. He's fine too, don't worry..." he added as still the conversation goes over.

"Sure take your time, tell me when you are about to arrive... Because I have to go home to my parents house, yup family stuffs... Yeah bye, I will tell Hoseok that you will go here..." he continued before dropping off the call.

"Hoseok, I will get out of the room once Mina is near please don't tell her that we accidentally meet in here after I was brought to my prison cell. I won't be able to get out of here for a while.
She might get worried, I hope you understand my parents are kind of not in the right state to think that I am mentally ill." he said seriously that gave me a thought that his parents seems to be crazy.

"You talk like your parents are crazy... But I can clearly see that you aren't" I said true to my words because I know to myself that Jimin is not mentally ill, as he just chuckled as a response.

"Yup, they are indeed crazy. They think of me to be crazy that's why they put me into hospitals when it is not me but them who should be in one.
I have this dream that one day I will run out of this hospital and free from my parents craziness." he said as he sighed before he dropped himself off to the bed.

"Just like how I dream to stop taking those antidepressants and be free from passing out from time to time..." I said while smiling at the thought that one day I will never feel anxious about things that leads me to distress.

He suddenly get up from his bed as he rummaged on his things that was placed in the side table. His parents must have really forced him into this hospital a lot of times already.

I can see that the hospital staffs had provided him everything he needed so that he won't get out. His side of the room looks like a mini hotel room actually. He had a lot of things in there.

"Found it..." he said as he went to my side and handed me a bar of chocolate snickers. "Chocolates are best known to be antidepressants as it contains caffeine that lifts up your energy.

When you feel lonely and alone just eat chocolates. It will cheer you up and they are really effective, trust me..." he said as I accepted the chocolate bar then getting a bite of it.

"Stop taking those pills and try to eat chocolates instead. I don't know when will my parents let me get discharged again and I may not be there to look after you.
But by the looks of it, I may not be able to get out of here for a long time. I will have to stay here until I gave them satisfaction." he added as he smiled sadly before picking up his phone.

"Mina is already near with mister and missis Song. I will be out for a while to give you time alone, you might get discharged already." he said before going out of the room while I just stared at the chocolate in my hand.

My best friend suffers a lot already and I can't even do something about it. In our circle, Jin hyung is the only one who has a family that is closest to Jimin's family powers. But Jin hyung is not here as the moment.

While I was lost in my thoughts, Mina entered the room with mister and missus Song. "Oppa how could you just be gone for two weeks and end up being in the hospital after passing out in front of your apartment?" she immediately said as she approached me.

"I'm sorry, did I get you worried? I pass out on my way to the grocery store good thing a good citizen had saw me and brought me in to their home. They took care of me for two weeks and I just wake up today.
That's why I was on my way of going back to the apartment. By the way thank you for bringing me to the hospital mister and missis Song." I said as I smiled on the couple.

"No problem Hoseok, as long as you are fine and we were also worried when Mina informed us that you were long gone. We just dropped by to look if you are already awake. We will go ahead." mister Song said as I nodded my head at them before they went out of the room.

"Where's Jimin, oppa?" Mina asked me as I placed the chocolate wrapper in the trash bin. I didn't notice that I already ate all of it earlier. I guess my mind was really wandering around.

"He went home to his parents house. You know family stuff and he will be gone for quite a while. Jimin has to talk with his parents about something important. Why?" I asked her as she just shake her head.

"I just wanted to thank him for helping me on the competition. I won the competition oppa and I will be going to Paris in two weeks to start my training already.
But the good news is that I don't have to stay there for a long time. I will just train in there for a month at least and another three months to perform on recitals. Just enough for them to finish their ballet and modern contemporary studio here in Seoul.
Even though it's my dream to go to Paris, I can't just leave you alone in here. I will be back just right in time for our graduation." she said that made my eyes widen in surprise.

"Really? So what Jimin had told me was true? But you won't really take that long? I am glad, I thought that you will stay there for years." I asked her as she nodded her head yes.

"Yep, and oh I have to process all my papers already and so I have to see you after three days in your discharge date as you are still under observation by the doctors. So don't move around and focus on getting well." she told me as I just giggled because of what she had said.

"Yes ma'am, I will be a good boy and wait for you in here until then." I said while doing a salute to her. She stayed with me for a while before I send her home.

I even joked when she was about to leave that she really wants me to stay in the hospital forever because she brought me a lot of things and food for me as she just laughed at me.

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