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Part 48:
Dream, Reality...

Min Yoon Gi

"Yoongi my old man come here..." she said as she smiled sweetly at me that made me smiled as I approached her, she was in a flower field playing with the butterflies

"Chae my baby, I am very sorry for what I did and what I had said... I really mean it, I was not in the right mind at that time. I was only eaten by my jealousy..." I said as I approached her side.

She gently placed her forefinger on my lips to stop me from talking as she smiled at me again. "I know, I understand you... I forgive you already my old man." she said as she hugs me tightly.

I buried my face in her shoulder as I felt that my tears are falling from my eyes as she caressed my back. "Baby, I am really very sorry for hurting you... I promise I will make it up to you." I said as I looked up to see her face she was smiling but at the same time, she was fading away.

"Take care of yourself and remember that I had loved you. But I think that I am not the one for you..." she said before she disappeared into my eyes. The next thing I knew, I was standing in the middle of the dark in nowhere.

I searched everywhere for her shadows but I can't see anything. I tried to shout but I had lost my voice. I tried to run but some chains were preventing me to do so. I can see vivid images of Chaeyoung and Vernon talking and laughing but they would instantly get lost in the dark.

I turned when I felt the heat from behind me and I was taken aback when I saw a fire growing big and in no time it was already surrounding me. I can feel the too much heat around me enough to burn my flesh but I can't do anything but tried to shout.

I can feel the sweat falling from my forehead. I just crouched myself and closed my eyes trying to catch my breath being hopeless. I just wanted to die, the reason why I lived had already moved away from me.
"HYUNG!" someone shouted as I felt a great force tugging me back to reality. I get up panting and sweating, catching my breath as I look around and found out that I was still in Jungkook's room. I realized that I fell asleep and had a nightmare.

It was just a dream, a bad dream and this is the reality I thought to myself. "I'm glad you're awake, you were shouting in your sleep. Here, we are flying to Japan tomorrow afternoon. I had already settled the tickets, I will accompany you there since I heard that my sister is in there right now. I need to see her make my umma at ease." he said as he handed me some set of paper.

"What happened?" I asked as I accepted the papers. "You fell asleep in the kitchen after washing the dishes. I carried you all the way here before I left you to visit my mother and ask permission. When she said yes, I processed our papers. But when I get back you were screaming loudly that made me run here to wake you up." he said as I nodded my head.

I was just dreaming, just a bad dream and it won't happen in reality. I told myself as I rested myself while sitting in the bed." Thanks for waking me up Kook..." I said as he just nodded his head before leaving me alone in his room.

I don't know what to do if my dream was a reality. I am afraid that when I get to Japan, my bad dreams will come true. I hope that it won't happen at all. Because I might break down this time if it does.

I stared again at the letter that she sent me, it was placed on the side table. I reached for it while placing the plane ticket on the side table exchanging it for her letter. I know what she had sent me is an opening move for me to make up with her but I am afraid.

Afraid that when I get there she would just simply ignore me and push me away. Or worst, completely forget about me this time, telling me to go there just to have our closure. Her letter says:

'My Suga...

If you have read this letter of mine, you had probably received it already in any way my friend had done to help me to make this reach to you.

I have been away for a long and I had already peace of mind. I had already thought of the things that bothering me these past few weeks. And I think that was already enough hiding and running away from you.

If you want to talk to me, I will be waiting at the flower field near our home. You know where it is, I had brought you there the first time you went to Japan with me.

The day that I had introduced you to my parents as my boyfriend. Honestly looking back at all those memories that we had, I didn't have any regrets. In fact, all I could see was happiness during all those times.

I may have said hurtful words towards you during the time that we had a huge argument and I am sorry. I know I was at fault too... I will forgive you personally once we talk in person if you promised to forgive me too.

You will be my forever love, my sweet Suga, my old man. I will see you soon, thank you for being understanding enough to give me time to think. Always take care of yourself.

Sincerely yours,
Strawberry Chae

"Everything's going to be okay hyung..." someone said while tapping my back that I recognized to be Jungkook. I didn't notice that he went back inside of his room maybe because I was really lost in thoughts.

"I hope so Kook, I hope so..." I said as I stare at the letter in my hand. I really hope that everything will be going to be just fine. I am glad that this bunny here was the one who saw me in this state because I know that he wouldn't tell a soul.

If Jin hyung, Namjoon, Hoseok, or Jimin saw me in this state they will just make fun of me. Good thing that it was only him and Taehyung who had seen me in my broken state and not everyone else as they are good listeners and they give you just the best encouragement.

"You miss her don't you?" he asked as he sits beside me while I was still staring at the letter. "What do you mean?" I asked him back as I look at him, he was pointing out to the letter that I was holding.

"Your fiancé... You know hyung, I saw her one time. When she visited her friend at the orthopedics which happened to be my friend too. She was performing once, I even saw a lighter placed in her guitar with your initials. I didn't think that the two are related at first..." he started as I just listened to him.

"My friend introduced her to me and they talked a lot of kinds of stuff. But one time during that day, I sneaked to get close to where they were. And that is when I overheard their conversation about you. She loves you so much hyung, so if I were you I would fix my relationship with her while it's still early." he said as he tapped my back again before leaving me alone this time.

Probably Jungkook is right, I just need to man up and go to Japan and talk to her. I just need to bury my jealousy six feet below the ground and hear her out and probably understand her side too. Maybe that way we will be able to forgive ourselves and start again.

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