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Part 46:

Park Ji Min

"Hoseok, I'm going to the restaurant. Thanks for filing a leave for me, I will tell our boss that I will be back to duty..." I said to Hoseok as I put on the restaurant's uniform as Hoseok just nodded his head.

His shift was transferred for later, since the restaurant had temporarily lost the manager for the day shift I had to report today since I had already got out of the restaurant.

"Yep, I will see you later but my shift ends at night will you wait for me?" he asked still watching the TV while eating cereals.

"Yup, I will be going on overtime to compensate for the days while I was gone." I said as he nodded his head again before I left the unit when I was already done preparing for work.

The boss already knows that I often come and go as I told him the situation with my parents and he's fine with it.

Boss Sae Jin is very understanding with that matters, that's why I was very thankful that he still accepts me even I just suddenly come and go from time to time. I went to the restaurant office at once after I arrived to talk to our boss.

"Jimin, my boy I'm glad that you are back!" Boss Sae Jin said as he gave me a small hug after I entered his office.

"I apologize for not being able to show up for a long time sir. My parents put me in the jail hospital for a long time and didn't plan on releasing me, sir." I joked as he just gave me a faint smile before motioning me to seat in front of his table.

"I completely understand that my boy, Hoseok already told me everything beforehand, you don't have to worry. Anyway, will you be taking overtimes from now on?" he asked me as I nodded my head yes.

"Very well, here are the monthly stocks report you to know what to do with that. Next time tell me when your parents forced you to go to the hospital again so I could get you out of there." he said that made me smiled.

Boss Sae Jin is a very caring boss, he treats me and Hoseok as his own sons because he never had the chance to have one since he is very busy.

And we are very thankful for that, we never experienced having a good time with our families and we found that kind of affection in our boss, that's why we respect him that much.

After talking with our boss I immediately went outside to check all the stocks and do my duties as the manager.

Talk with those people who are having some complaints about the service. Going around checking how every staff was doing.

"Thirst quencher?" Hoseok asked me as he gave me a glass of drink. He is already here at the restaurant for his shift. "Thanks..." I said as I took a seat at the bar counter for a drink. It was a hard thing going around in circles all this time.

"So, how was your first day back at being a manager again?" he asked me while cleaning the wine glasses on the countertop.

"Hell! I don't know what did the other manager do while I was not around. The stocks are lacking, the services and I received some complaints." I responded then I drink the content of the glass he gave as he laughed at my expression after I drank the juice.

"Four seasons, of all the flavor... I shouldn't have trusted you, I thought it was pomelo or pink lemonade." I complained as he just laughed at me. It's not that I am allergic to four seasons it's just that I don't like the flavor at all.

"Welcome back gift from Yugyeom over there..." he said while pointing at the other waiter who was our friend in the restaurant. I mouthed 'Thank you very much at him as he quickly runs to the kitchen laughing.

After talking with Hoseok, I went back to my work but this time I went to the office of the managers to do the paper works that my co-manager had left for me alone. As he was very modest to leave me with a lot of paper works.

I stare at the mountains of papers in the office as I shake my head. This will be a one of a hella overtime then. I was busy with all the paper works when someone knocked at the door and I just shouted come in as I was busy opening the door.

Yugyeom went in as he immediately approached me. "Someone wants to talk to you sir at table number 7." he said as I got up from my seat and followed him out of the office. "A complaint? Did someone complained about the service again?" I asked as he shakes his head no.

"I don't know sir he did not specify why he said just call Park Jimin and you are the only Park Jimin I know in here and there is no one else," he responded as I just let him off.

"Thanks for informing me, go back to work now. I will handle this, don't forget that I haven't forgotten that you gave me a four-season juice earlier." I threatened him as he gave me a wide smile.

"Can you just let it off too?" he asked as I sighed before nodding my head. "Fine, just go back to work." I said as he immediately runs out of my sight while I went to table number seven like what he told me.

I saw the back of the customer since his back was facing me. "Uhm, excuse me sir I am the manager. What can I do for you..." I said as he faced me, I was taken aback to see my father right in front of me.

"Jimin, thank you for saying yes to my request." he said as he motioned me to sit down in front of him. I did what he told me to but then I maintain my blank expression. "What are you doing here?" I asked him straight to the point as he looked down.

"I'm sorry my son, I should have believed you more than your stepmother. You had suffered for fifteen years." he started as I just stared at him.

"Good for you that you now realized what you had done." I said as he went near me but I maintained the distance between us.

"What I did was unforgivable, I know it may take time. But I realized that when your friends talk to me about your true condition..." he said that made me gone curious, I know that Namjoon hyung wanted to talk to him but I didn't know that he had succeeded.

"Your friends Seok Jin the judge's son, Taehyung Kim the psychiatrist, and RM the businessman. They all talked to me to clarify the truth. I didn't believe them at first but when I get home I secretly heard your stepmother's plan with someone on the phone.
That's why I let you run off with your friends that night. I trust them that they will not harm you at all cost." he said that made me thought that something's not right about that night.

I know that we shouldn't have easily escaped those guards that my father hired but we did without that much sweat, now it makes sense. I should have known from the first place that he was secretly involved too.

"I had already acquired some pieces of evidence, I am sending your stepmother to jail for attempted murder and robbery. As well as fraud." he said as he broke down.

I hug him as I didn't notice that my tears were already falling. "I'm really sorry my son, please forgive me I have been blinded for long and almost lost my son because of it." he said as I caressed his back.

"I forgive you father, thanks for believing me this time." I said as I felt him hug me tighter. This time those tears that fell from my eyes are because of the happiness that I felt inside me.

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