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Part 33:

Jung Ho Seok

"Uhm excuse me, can I have one of that watermelon, banana milk fruit mix?" someone asked me while I was checking the stocks of beverages and wines that were displayed.

Since our manager, Jimin is on definite leave, I have to do this task instead. I didn't bother to turn around and responded to the customer after taking note of the stocks.

"Just a minute sir and I will prepare it. Don't worry sir it won't take that long really just sit in there comfortably." I responded as I started preparing the ingredients for his order.

While at the same time I mix the special banana milk that I will use for the drink. This will take a while since I have to put mixed fruits in a small watermelon that looks like glass.

"Just charge it to table number seven please." he said as I felt him took a sit in the high stool. "Sure sir..." I responded as I made the finishing touches on his order. "Here you go..." I said as I faced the customer to hand him his order.

"Hoseok hyung?" he said while looking so shocked as I looked at him too being shocked at the same time. Well, who won't get shocked if you meet an old friend of all of a sudden. "Jungkook? Is that you?" I asked as he nodded his head.

"It's been a long time, who are you with today? Do you know that Jin hyung and Namjoon is looking for you? Where have you been? We heard that you were beaten up." I continuously asked him questions because of my curiosity.

"Uhm I am with my umma... Jin hyung is back in South Korea? Why would they be looking for me? And I have been admitted in the orthopedics quite far from here after getting beat up more than a month ago." he answered as I placed the tray in front of him since it was his order.

"Well, Jin hyung wants us to be complete again... Will you give me your contact number so that I could contact you and tell Jin hyung and Namjoon about your recent whereabouts?" I asked as he nodded my head.

"Strange, but I wonder if ever the seven of us will get to meet again after two years, besides Tae hyung is always behind the shadows. We never knew where he hides as he just comes and go..." I heard him mumbled before giving me a faint smile.

"Sure, give me a paper hyung and I will write my number and address," he responded as I handed him a piece of paper and a pen. Then he gave me back the paper after writing.

We spent a little time talking about kinds of stuff that we had missed out on for the past two years before he excused himself away from me and get back to his mother's table.

The kid didn't change that much really, he still got those bulky muscles despite his young age but his baby face features and his bunny smiles didn't change at all.

I saved his phone number in my phone before I shared it with Jimin and Jin hyung as they might want to talk to Jungkook too but I had completely forgotten about asking for Namjoon's number. Maybe I will just ask Jimin later on.

I stayed in the restaurant for another two hours before my off was finished and I went home to my apartment. I noticed that the studio was slightly open so I am guessing that Momo is in there right now.

I did not bother to get in the studio first and went directly to my room, changing into some comfortable home clothes before taking out some chocolate cereals in the refrigerator to a bowl and placing a cup of milk afterward.

I turned on the television while I devour the food in my hand after a tiring shift at the restaurant. It is really a nice thing to eat and take a rest after a day of tiring work.

Last night when I visited Jimin, he told me that Taehyung showed up to him the other day. Well, it was kind of expected since he was the only one who wasn't looking for Taehyung at all that time.

He really understands that guy's logic, well he would not be his best friend after all if he did not know him that much. They're best of friends, or more than that, soul mates probably...

The truth is Taehyung and Jimin were best friends first before we became best friends. But Taehyung suddenly went missing a week after Jin hyung went to Australia.

That's when Jimin thought that their friendship was falling apart and decided to live with me since we both don't know where to go. We shared the same faith in living alone.

Namjoon hyung became busy with his own stuff, as well as Yoongi hyung as he became a full-time employee. Everyone else was falling apart from each other.

Jungkook seldomly shows himself to us that even made the communication barrier worse and ending up with us living separate lives. That's how we fell apart from each other.

I promised Namjoon that I will help him find Taehyung, but upon remembering his kind of logic I decided to stop because he would not definitely show himself to me.

I just have to think the other way around and I know that one day he will show up. After eating my food and getting full, I decided to wash the dishes after turning off the TV.

I decided to go to the studio and probably watch Momo while dancing or join her or maybe just stay in the other corner of the studio making myself busy with dancing.

I could simply place some earbuds in my ear that will give me my music guide so that Momo won't be distracted in what she is doing, I just want to release some stress by dancing.

When I entered the studio through the connecting door on our apartment, I immediately saw her being immersed in dancing to music that was definitely unfamiliar to me.

It was like I had never even had heard of it before. Or I had never even probably heard it once, the beats and melody seem to be very unfamiliar and somehow I don't know the song.

I wonder if it is a new song or a song scheduled for release but I can say that it is freshly composed, as I have one friend who loves making music we always hears newly composed songs from him that's why I can distinguish.

She was sweating all over but she just continued to dance with the rhythm in her body. She didn't bother her image when dancing but her facial expression was clear just like her precise movements.

Now I realize that she could really even keep up with Mina in dancing maybe even more than her in that kind of dancing she has. But they had a different genre as Mina's genre is gentle.

Momo on the other hand can do all genres of dance. She suddenly stopped in a part where she didn't know what she would do as she frustratedly made a turn ending in her losing her balance.

Good thing I was quick enough to run to her direction and caught her just at the right time to avoid feet injuries but we still both ended up on the floor with her on top of me.

Her eyes widen in surprise when she saw how close the distance of our faces was especially our lips. After realizing how awkward our position is, she suddenly turned red and immediately get up.

"I'm sorry, really... I didn't mean really it to fall over you but I lost balance. I'm so sorry..." she said as she gets up bowing at me as I just giggle because of her cuteness and get up by myself too.

"It's fine, how can you make a turn just like that when you should have known that you are not in focus? You should have not acted recklessly as that..." I asked her as she tried to hide her face.

"Actually, to be honest with you, I don't really know what to do next right after that part... You know the reason why I wanted to rent your studio, that I am making a choreography right?
That is the song that I will be making one, but unfortunately, I haven't finished the choreography yet..." she said as I intently listened to the music still playing.

"At which part is still lacking? Can I listen to the whole song? I might be able to help you..." I asked as she lifted her head and looked at me like she was asking if I am serious.

"Ugh, the bridge and the last chorus. They are the parts that are still lacking. I wanted to make a different choreography for the last chorus but I can't think of any." she said as on cue the music ended.

"Show me the dance until to the part where you stopped." I said as she nodded her head before playing the music once again as she showed me the steps of the dance.

The dance is too powerful and requires a lot of movement, by the looks of it, the dance must be intended for male dancers instead of females. The movements seemed to be swag and hip hop rocking style rather than girl crush or chic style that a girl would do when dancing.

She just eventually stopped at the part where she made an unnecessary turn earlier. It was a hard dance actually, it wasn't feminine at all but she nailed it well.

"It doesn't look like a dance for a female at all, the steps are hard and quick. Whom are you making this for?" I asked her as she easily stretched her legs after the wild dancing doing a perfect spit while resting.

"For a new boy group at JH entertainment, this will be their group's debut title track. I had thought them the choreography for the chorus since it is needed in the film of music video and some parts.
But they needed the whole complete choreography by tomorrow so that they could practice it just right before their scheduled showcase." she said as I nodded my head.

"Well, I have some steps on mind... Would you mind if I show you?" I asked as she just shakes her head no. I found my place in the dance floor and showed her the steps I had created.

She was very happy because it was very perfect for the bridge and the last chorus. We spent more time practicing the dance, then recording it afterward when we were already in sync.

It ended up to be a nice performance after all. And we even came up with the idea to post it on both our YouTube channels while tagging each other when the song is officially released.

"Thank you very much Hoseok, you are a real-life saver..." she said as I dropped her off at their house. "Like a hero? But I am no hero..." I asked as she just smiled at me.

"You are no superman who always saves Jane nor batman who looks after Gotham City or even Robin hood who helps the poor. But you are my own version of anpanman." she said as she quickly placed a kiss on my cheek before rushing into their house.

It made me stunned for a while but then when I realized what she did, I felt that my blood was stuck in my face. I just smiled sweetly before walking back way home thinking that she might have felt the same feelings towards me. Anpanman eh?

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