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Part 28:
Dead Leaves

Kim Nam Joon

"Ajussi, your kimchi is really the best, I am always full when I eat here... Plus I can eat to my hearts content in here. This is the reason why I always find time to visit your restaurant..."

I smiled as I talked to Jeongyeon's father after going to Jimin's house trying to talk to his father again. But his parents suddenly shut me out of the gate even before I could talk to them.

Probably because they already had known my face. Next time I would arrange a meeting with him through my secretary and I will request that they will meet me instead of the other way around.

I am getting tired of that kind of set up, they won't even listen. "Silly boy... Stop flattering me or else I would believe you. What are you up to this days that you look so tired?" he asked as he handed me a glass of water that I accepted immediately.

"I've been looking for my brother, yeah right for my brother. He grew up in a different family and I have never heard of him since two years until two weeks ago.
I heard that he was beaten up by some street gangs after a competition and rushed to the hospital. I've looked around almost all hospitals around but no avail." I responded before continuing to eat.

"Well that's a sad news, but if he was beaten up by some street gangs, the medics must have brought him to the orthopedics hospital right away two towns next to this city.
To check if ever there are any damages in his bones. Besides that place had the most advanced medical equipment for bone recovery." he responded as he get back behind the counter to take care of the other's order.

"Probably, how could I not think of it? I had never thought of that place from the beginning, how could I?" I said as he just laughed at me while I was slightly scold myself.

"Jeongyeon, you're here! Take the orders of that table and I will head to the kitchen okay..." he said as he headed to the kitchen while Jeongyeon on the other hand placed her bag under the counter and grab the apron that was hung near to the counter.

"Do you still have anything you want?" she asked me as I just shake my head no. "I will just call you later when I wanted something else." I said as she nodded before she started helping her father.

I just watched her move around their small restaurant serving the people's order or getting their order. Observing her as she just smiled at the customers even though she already looks tired from her training.

Even if her sweat in the forehead was already visible, she would just simply wipe it with her handkerchief and continued to make rapport to the customers. She would smile sincerely like she's not tired at al.

"She is really very selfless right? Look at her help me here even if she is already tired. I am really blessed to have a daughter like Jeongyeon. She is a very big blessing to me."

Mister Yoo suddenly said as he sit beside me while we both look at her daughter talking to the last customer who was about to leave the place. Admiring the girl in front of me over and over again.

It is already the restaurant's past closing time but they had accepted those couple who came in as the last customer because they look like they were already starving.

"Yep, I really admire her for that... Her selflessness made me fall for her." I suddenly blurted out that made me panicked afterwards after realizing that her father is right beside me right now.

Mister Yoo just chuckled at my response to him. Like I had said something funny all of the sudden and it really made ke embarrassed like a school boy that was caught staring by his crush.

"I really like you for my daughter, if she would get into a relationship I wouldn't stop her if it's you. So when do you plan on starting courting my daughter. I do mind whatever job you have as long as it's decent." he said that made me extremely embarrassed of myself.

"I don't know, she might not like me at all... I'm afraid that she might reject me. You know me mister Yoo, I am a bit coward as I am afraid that she might reject me." I said as scratched the back of my head.

"Boy, boy... I know my daughter more than you. I'm sure that she is also attracted to you, she won't talk to you if she isn't... If I were you, I would have confessed to her already." he said as I just lowered my head to hide my embarrassment.

"I will go ahead now, mister Yoo thank you really for the mouth watering dinner. I will come back when my schedule is a bit free... And I don't really think so mister Yoo..." I said as he just laughed at me.

"Haha, sure kid. Come back here again and bring your brother if you found him already." he said as I quickly left the restaurant since I am very ashamed that her father find out that I like her daughter.

I was really nervous on my way to my apartment because her father might told her about our conversation earlier. I just prayed to all the Gods in heaven that he doesn't.

When I get back to my apartment I quickly changed into new set of clothes and prepared for work at the gasoline station. It's like it became a habit, neglecting sleep at night.

Me and Jin hyung will be working there for just three weeks more. I had already informed Jackson about our resignation and he is already hiring for people that will replace us after that time span.

Before the clock ticks twelve, I immediately went to the gasoline station for my hyung was already there being an early bird as usual. He always gets to work earlier than me.

"Any good news regarding on how we would get Jimin out of there? His father just simply declined my father's business proposal. He did not even consider reading it at all.
That old hag, just because my father's company is not earning as big as his he already denied the proposal at one glance of the company's name..." he ranted as I shake my head no.

"He didn't talk to me either, he shut me out of their gate this time. I really need to find Taehyung immediately... I will bring him with me once I talk to Jimin's father as RM." I told hyung my plan as he nodded his head understanding my plans.

"But Taehyung is no where to be found as of the moment... As of now, we both don't know his current location or where he is. How about Jungkook's location still no clue?" he asked as I sighed deeply.

"I will try to go to the orthopedics hospital two towns from here and look for Jungkook in there. How about Hoseok, have you checked on him? I hope that he's doing fine."

I asked him while waiting for our shift to officially begin since we still have a few more minutes before twelve. We are just updating each other about recent happenings.

"Yup, the boy is doing fine and back on working at the restaurant where he used to work. He seems to be catching up lately. I visited him in his apartment earlier...
But he was busy talking to a girl and I didn't want to be light bulbs so I immediately leave. That boy is in love I tell you..." he said as I just laughed at his side comment.

"How I wish that we could already meet with Taehyung, Yoongi and Jungkook. It will surely be fun to talk to them with nonsense things like before or even with our stupid love life." he said as I agreed upon his thoughts.

"How about you hyung? Do you have a girl that you like?" I asked him as he smiled at me widely before nodding his head. He seemed to be in love and those emotions can be mirrored in his eyes.

"I meet her the day that I went back from Australia. She is the most beautiful girl I saw in my entire life. I was planning to confess to her the day when Hoseok sister flied to Paris.
But since they are friends I didn't do my confession that day and just let her go to the airport with her friend. And by the looks of it her friend is the girl that Hoseok likes..." he laughed at his own explanation.

"I found the coincidence to be sweet hyung... Maybe destiny did really make amends with our fates that in the end some of the seven of us will still be connected to each other." I said as he laughed at the thought too.

Well destiny is very playful, like who would have thought that we would still meet with each other even after two years without communicating to each other.

And on the same time we that would found our love ones in the process. It's really unexpected just like how would a dead leaf from a tree suddenly would fall off.

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