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Part 41:

Min Yoon Gi

"Yoongi my old man, I am trying to give you and myself time to breathe. I love you so much that it pains me that you don't trust me enough.
Please stop contacting me for a while and I will contact you when the scars are healed. Perhaps Vernon was right, I should just let you go as I might not be the one for you." her message that I lately received says.

"Fuck!" I cursed under my breath as I quickly hide my phone in my pocket. "Something's wrong hyung?" Jungkook asked me worriedly as I just stayed silent. "Can I go ahead of you guys? I need to go home..." I said as Jin hyung stopped me.

"Not when you haven't even touched your food..." Jin hyung said as I was about to refuse when the maknaes packed my part of the food before handing it to me. I gave them a thankful stare before I went out of the hideout.

This is it, I am going to Japan where ever she is right now. I don't care if I will go broke as long as I find him I don't care anymore. I only wanted to see her, hold her and kiss her. I missed her so much that it hurts me.

I know I was at fault when I say those words but I was not thinking well at that time since jealousy was eating me up. Now I just wanted to say sorry and makeup with her. I know I was very stupid that time and I regret it big time...

I ride a bus to the stop near our apartment, the ride was not that long so I arrived quickly in there. I took out everything that I needed like a passport, visa, credit cards, cash, atm cards.

Important papers of me and Chae, my laptop, hard drives, and flash drives and put them in a medium-sized backpack with some of my personal necessities and some clean clothes.

I wrote a letter to the company that I and Chaeyoung will be having an indefinite leave for a while and some made-up reasons and sent it via email.

They responded immediately to me without further asking questions about it and let me have a small break since this will be the first time that I would take a break from work since I started working in that company.

Chaeyoung as well, it will be her first time going on a leave. I don't want her to go on absence without leave that's why I wrote a letter for her too. I am going to fly out of the country if need just to trace where she is right now.

While on my way packing all the things I needed and trying to get a flight reservation to Japan as soon as possible where I heard from Jungkook hoping that we are talking about the same person. When I received an unknown email from some I did not know.

Curiosity was killing me so I opened the message only finding my heart getting broken while I saw a picture of Chaeyoung and Vernon smiling at the camera with his hands gently placed on her waist like they were having the time of their life at a familiar place.

If I am not mistaken, this was their residence in Osaka, she had brought me in there once when we celebrated Christmas and New Year with her family.

So that guy went with her to Osaka without me knowing and I can see that they were both happy in the picture.

Her smile looks so genuine that made me envious, she only smiles that way to me when she is happy but now someone else made her smile like that.

It hurts so much as I placed down my backpack which contains the belongings that I was supposed to be bringing with me.

I just wanted to die because of the pain that I feel inside as I closed my phone and placed it inside the bag too. I sat up in my bed still being weak after seeing that picture when a thought crossed my mind.

I went to the storage room and grab a gallon in there. I started to spread the content in our room with tears painfully dropping from my eyes.

When satisfaction filled me, I took a photo of me and Chaeyoung from the bedside. I took the paper out of the frame and stare at our picture.

Those I was not smiling in the picture I can say that I was genuinely happy in that photo, she was smiling just like her smile from the photo earlier.

This photo was taken when we went to a photo booth in a mall while we were in the first month of our relationship.

I bitterly smile as I grab my lighter from the side and burned the picture as the tears continue to flow down from my eyes.

I dropped the burning picture on the floor and lay down on the bed as I can feel the change in temperature around me.

The fire started to grow around the area where I scattered the gasoline earlier. I stared at the ceiling still breaking, hurt because of my stupidity and carelessness. Because my pride can't accept the fact that someone can make her smile aside from me.

I don't care if I burn our own apartment down, it's a whole-house unit anyway and I have already paid for it even before I proposed to her.

I had bought this place as our sanctuary maybe when we get married we can treat this as our rest house if ever we buy a much comfortable home.

But my hopes for us slowly came crashing down with my heart. I saw how the fire had almost enveloped the whole room but I don't care.

If she heard the news of me burning down our own apartment with me she might go home. She might want to see me again. I am too desperate at the moment.

"Hyung are you crazy?! If you want to die better think of a better move than this! Jin hyung won't like to hear that one of us died just right after we just got reunited." a voice scolded me.

That made me open my eyes as I see Jungkook holding the bag with my things in it as he tries to extinguish the fire around me.

"Let me be Kook, I want to take a rest far from everything..." I said as I just lay down still as he dragged me up. Since he was way stronger than me, it was an easy thing for him to do.

"Come on hyung this won't solve your problems. Death is not an answer, let's get out of here before the fire completely burns the two of us down." he said as he quickly placed me on his shoulder like I was a light sack then bring me outside of the burning house.

I didn't know that the fire had already spread through the entire house as I stared at the piano burning. The smoke was everywhere and it was making it hard for me to breathe.

Though debris was starting to fall down from the ceiling, Jungkook tried with all his might to bring the both of us out but I fainted midway as everything went blurred and black.

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