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Part 13:
I Like It

Min Yoon Gi

"Is this right? How could you just laugh at me when I am struggling in here..." she said as I chuckled at her cute pouting expression while I was teaching her to play the piano.

Because if she wanted to become a producer, she needs to learn at least two instruments that make help her in making songs. It is a very big must for music makers like us.

"You need to learn it Chae, you should at least learn two instruments so that you'll be able to be promoted to a producer from a lyricist." I said as I guided her hand towards the piano keys.

"Can we take a break?" she asked as I sighed that made her smile widely. "Fine..." I said as she leaned over my chest while we were sitting next to each other in front of the piano that I had in our apartment.

I took her hand which was wearing the ring that I gave her the day that I proposed to her. "This one really suits you..." I said as I kissed her hand that made her giggle.

"You are the one who chose that ring, of course you knew my taste. So basically, you know what suits me the best. I like its simplicity very much. " she said as I gave her a hug.

I easily lifted her up so that she could sit in my lap while I placed my head in her right shoulder while I hugging her from the back. She's small and very cuddly.

"I will work hard to earn more money so that we could move into a much comfortable home rather than an apartment unit in time when we decided to start our own family..." I said as I kissed her cheek.

"You are being talkative this days old man... It's quite scaring me but I like it. You talking more than you used to before and you telling me that we should get a much comfortable home.
But we must first be both financially stable for that..." she said as she began pressing the keys of the piano playing the first song she learned, the little star.

"You really find ways to ruin the moment sometimes baby... I am being serious here..." I said as she just chuckled. "Don't you miss your friends?" she suddenly asked that made me suddenly remembered those six guys whom I first shared my music with.

My parents doesn't support me in making music, they wanted me to get a proper profession. But I love creating music since then. The day I meet those six annoying crackheads, I told myself that I can be what I really am when I am with them.

They were the first ones who listened to my compositions, three of them even playfully made choreography for it as two of them helped me with all the lyrics writing and stuffs. While the our oldest didn't failed to support us no matter what we do.

"I do miss them a lot baby... But there are a lot of people in this world that are bound to meet but not to stay with each other forever. Maybe my friends and I were meant to be like that.
We fell out of communication, but if ever given a chance... I would still want to meet with them again in the future." I responded as she caressed my arms that was hugging her after she stopped pressing the keys of the piano.

"I really wish to meet them too... Base from your stories, I could tell that you must be very close. It will be wonderful to know the persons whom you spent your six years before you had meet me..." she said as I hummed a yes to her.

She should have meet my friends to know how good people they were despite of our own problems that we had to deal with. I'm sure if they had meet her they would support our relationship no matter what.

It reminded me that me and my friends would have been together for eight long years if only Jin did not have to leave. I am not blaming him though, after all it was a big opportunity.

It was a very good offer for him that time, knowing Jin hyung he wouldn't want to miss the big opportunity. He was studying doctorate in education and Australia offers one of the best school for him.

Although we didn't want him to go overseas, we had no choice because it was good for him and it was his dream. The day he left made me realized that I should also be pursuing my dreams like he did.

But I did not know that it was also the last day that I would see all the seven of us complete, after Jin left one by one all the remaining six of us parted ways. Like gone in the wind all of the sudden.

After the others moved from the neighborhood, I found myself applying for a producer position at an entertainment label and started making music under my alias Agust D.

Thinking that my friends will remember me if they started hearing some of my works because I had always told them that when I become a producer I will use my alias Agust D.

Inverted Suga from my name which means gloss or sweet as a sugar then DT which means Daegu Town where I was born. But none of them showed up this past two years.

"Hey you're idling again... Are you back to your old self?" Chaeyoung said breaking me apart from my deep thoughts that I didn't realize that I was already being quiet the whole time.

"Sorry, you were saying something baby?" I asked her as I held tightly to her hand while I was still hugging her. "I was asking how did the songs went... Did the big bosses liked it?" she asked me that made me remember about the song I passed to the label.

It wasn't freshly composed actually because I was having a hard time battling with my lazy self. So I just passed a song that I had wrote about a month ago.

But nonetheless the company liked it, so I had no problems with it. I did not also bother telling them that that was written about a month ago already and they weren't even that carefully selected.

I mean, I just randomly picked up songs that seems to have same genres, concepts and has aligned lyrics and compiled them in an album them make an appropriate album title and done.

"They like it as usual, or else they would lose their best producer. They had no questions with it, but the idols who will use it hates me more now. They always complain about the fast beats and raps.
Plus the fast choreography that is given to them. That's why they are idols, to perform whatever song is given to them." I said while laughing at the thought.

"You're very mean to them... Almost all of the male idols in the company hates it when you produce their songs even though they actually make huge profits and sales from it.
Plus some of them can't understand the lyrics behind it. They simply portray and then perform and that's it." she said as I remember that all the songs I have written have hidden meanings.

They should be able to understand the context first before they could bring out the emotions of the song which they often can't. That's their greatest flow that only a few notices.

That's why it's hard for them to perform the song as they can't bring out the emotions in it. Some of then can get the feel of the song but not completely becomes one with the emotions of it.

"I bet they would love it when you write for their songs instead. More vocal lines than rap lines and mellow melodies is what they prefer." I said as she laughed at what I said.

"What can I say, I am everyone's favorite lyricist. By the way I will go to my friend the week after next next week. I want to pay her a visit." she asked as I just hummed a yeah.

I don't want to prevail her from doing things that she wants like visiting her friend that as far as I heard had cancer. "Sure go ahead, I know how much you missed her." I responded that made her giggle. "You know me very much..." she added as I smiled to myself.

Knowing her is not as hard as loving her. We compliment each other a lot and we easily agree on things without making a big argument out of it. It was like she was made perfectly for me.

To match my mood swings, to cheer me up when I'm down and to wake myself up during my lazy days. Chae is everything I could ask for that's why I love her very much.

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