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Part 2:

Jeon Jung Kook

I held to the golden medal and the cash certificate that I had won from a recent taekwondo competition. It was a hard match since I was fighting against the reigning champion but I was able to win the game.

Even with my body aching from the competition, I immediately changed into my casual clothes and asked my coach to left early. Good thing that he let me go after some instructions, I really want to go home already.

I want to show this medal to my mother. I am sure that she will be proud of me because of my achievement. It has always been taekwondo as my best sport, I do well in that game more than I do well in others.

Plus the prize money will also help us a lot. It's not that we are struggling in terms of money like we had before but I wanted to help my mother. A few hundred thousand won will be a big help for us.

Way back then when I was sixteen my father suffered from a bus accident with my younger sister who was just fourteen that time. My father died on the spot while my sister had a lot of blood loss. But the problem didn't stop there. My sister was in critical condition too.

After my father died while my sister was on the hospital some people went to our home asking for my father's debt payment but we don't have any money that time because my mom did not have any job.

It is when we had learned that in order for me and my sister not to stop on going to school my father borrowed money from the loan shark. The person whom my father borrowed money went to meet my mother to tell her that my father owe him a large sum.

My father and my sister met an accident as they were about to drop by my school and pay for my tuition. When me and my mother learned about this, we didn't know what to do. My father was dead on the stop while my sister was in critical condition.

We also needed a AB- blood for my sister for her transfusion, my father has the same blood type as my sister while I am the same as my mother. But my father can't donate his blood anymore since he had a lot of blood loss too and there were no stock of blood that time.

Then this loan shark boss son named Rei who was nineteen years old that time offered that he will save my sister from death. As a compensation for my father's debt he offered us something that made it even worse.

He said he will ask his father not to ask anymore for payment for my father's debt in exchange for my sister since he declared that he likes her. My sister was only fourteen that time, she's still too young.

Of course my mother didn't agreed to it but they blackmailed her that they will kill me if she doesn't agree. Plus we don't have enough money to pay them for the debt that my father owe. I know how large are our school's tuition.

And it wasn't paid for almost a year already, we need to pay so I could take a final exam before the school year ends. Plus my mother only earn a little from sidelines having no high compensating job.

Then my sister will eventually die without blood transfusion, so she didn't have any choice but to say yes than lost three important people of her life at the same time.

That's why I decided to learn martial arts because I failed to protect my chocolate princess that time and vowed to be strong. If only I was strong that time, I could have protected her and my mother but I was still weak.

One month after my sister was taken away from us, my grandmother and grandfather from my mother's side show up taking me an my mother under their custody.

My grandparents are rich but they hated my father so they disowned my mother when she married my father. My father wasn't rich unlike my mother, he was just an ordinary person but he loved my mother dearly.

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