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Part 9:

Jeon Jung Kook

Two weeks since my accident, by the use of therapy I was already able to feel my legs and stand up for sometime but I still can't walk so I still have to use a wheel chair.

I had asked my mom to continue finding my sister and not to mind me at the hospital since I want to spend time on my own. I think it is the best that we can do.

She was a bit worried but I promised her that I well get well immediately. My grandparents have visited me also a week ago and they had paid my whole stay in the hospital including my prescription and theraphy.

Good thing that they had let me be alone too as they understood how hard must it be for me not to be able to walk for a while. But I am more on following all the doctors advice for recovery.

So my grandparents just checked on me before they decided that they will let me be alone in the hospital for recovery and I should just give them a call if I need something else.

"Jungkookie! I got a letter from a friend! She said she will be visiting me in three weeks, I am excited..." Sana came in running in the corridors while I was on my way to the garden of the hospital.

She is a bit cheerful today in contrast to what she have felt the past few days when her supposed to be bone marrow donor died even before the transfusion.

The son of her supposed to be donor didn't agreed to it even the supposed to be donor already agreed in donating her bone marrow and immediately brought his mother to her funeral.

That's why Sana hadn't received any transplant yet that made her sad the past few days. Gladly that she is already feeling happy today because it is not good for her to feel down.

She decided to stay here instead in the hospital for cancer patients because she said she doesn't want to leave me alone and she wants to see me when I can finally walk again.

"Miss Sana please stop running its not good for your health! Just please calm down miss..." her personal nurse came running afyer her while catching up with her breath.

"It's fine, I am okay... You can leave me for a while as I talk to my friend..." She said as she helped me push my wheel chair away from her personal nurse along with her IV stand.

The nurse could do nothing but let us be and stop following us, while we continued to move along and as soon as we are already away from her nurse she already let go of my wheel chair.

"Why are you running away from your nurse again? You should follow whatever they say as they know what's the best for your health." I said to her as she frowned.

"She's boring... Anyway, my friend will be coming next month and I will introduce you to her. She is multi-talented too." she chirped must be because she is too happy with the news.

"I thought you were going to say something helpful... Or probably a good news..." I said as began pushing my wheel chair to the elevator so that I could go to the garden.

"Wait! Don't leave already! I need someone to talk to right now... I just suddenly got excited when my friend told me she's coming over." she said as she sat on the bench while we were in an empty hallway.

"This is not a good place to talk, let's go to the garden..." I said as went to the elevator pushing my wheel chair slowly and she quickly followed me silently.

We were both quiet insude the elevator and even when we arrived at the garden. After a few minutes of silence only then she suddenly started talking breaking our silence.

"My doctor came in yesterday and told me I got a year or most to live as the cancer cells are rapidly multiplying. If I don't have a bone marrow transplant now, I might die.
Jungkook, I am afraid to die." she said as she sat on the grass while hugging her own knees, good thing that her IV connection is long enough to let her do that or else she would hurt herself again for being clumsy.

"Don't think negatively... You will live a long life, you are still young, just don't lose hope. What's your blood type anyway?" I asked her as I pushed the wheels of my wheel chair beside her.

"AB negative, one of the rarest blood type in the world... It's hard finding that blood type, even if there is I am afraid the bone marrow won't match." she said as it reminded me of my sister who had the same blood-type.

"You have the same blood type as my sister. Are you perhaps my lost sister? You reminded me so much of her..." I asked her as she chuckled because of my response.

"Silly, of course not. I am definitely almost a year older than you are. Plus both of my parents are still alive and I can attest that I am not adopted." she said while laughing that made me chuckle.

It made her eyes widen as she looked at me with her eyes like she saw something impossible. "Did I just hear you chuckle? It is the first time I heard you laugh ever since you got admitted in here..." she said as I went back to my usual composure.

"How did you know that you are older than me? I can definitely tell that I am way taller than you are even if I can't stand up."I defended myself trying to advert the topic of me laughing.

"Oh that, your nurse, nurse Kate told me that you were born in while I was born in December 29, . So basically I maybe a year older or a few months older than you are." she said as I nodded my head because she is definitely older than me for nine months.

I should ask my nurse to be changed, nurse Kate is just so talkative. "Fine I give up, you are really older than me. Should I just call you noona?" I asked her as she giggle and nodded her head.

"Sure, show some respect to me since I am older than you are. What happened to your sister by the way. You mentioned that she was taken away from you." she asked curiously.

"She was taken away when she was fourteen and I was only sixteen. She met an accident with our father. Our father died on the spot while she suffered blood loss.
To cut the story short my father had a debt to be paid and they asked for my sister as the compensation. For my sister to live, for my father's debt to be paid, for me to live my mother had no choice but to send her off with the loan shark boss's son.
Up until now we can't still find her, or where did they brought her. Her current location is a huge question to us." I said as I remember the painful memory of my sister being taken away from us.

"I'm sorry, I never should have ask. It was so insensitive for me to brought up the topic. It must have hurt your feelings." she said as she really looked sorry.

"It's fine, I just miss her so much. My sister was like me and you in many aspects. She is just as muti-talented as me and she have a positive attitude like you.
I partly blame myself for being weak way back then. If I was a bit stronger, I would have not let her be taken away. If only I was more than what I was before." I said as I looked straight to nothing.

"You know what? I got a new prayer to ask to God. It's that to help you find your sister... I wish I ever had one, but sadly I am an only child." she said as she stood up from sitting in the grass.

She really lives up to her character of being hopeful no matter what. She reminds me of my sister and a friend at the same time. In no time I think I had already fall in love with her by just merely looking at her and listening to her nonsense stories.

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