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Part 38:
Magic Shop

Kim Tae Hyung

"Simply hyung, his eyes were dilated like he is having a daydream and his choice of words are like programmed... Do you get me? I guess she made him drink that so that he would easily believe her.
Anyway we're done, right? Let's just take Jimin out of the hospital this midnight. Call everyone, and we'll go in there all together. I deserve a rest for a while." I said as I exited Namjoon hyung's office.

I had enough of today's sticking into other's business... I just suddenly felt so tired all of a sudden. I immediately wanted to go home and rest but I decided to stop by a place before doing such.

"It's been a while, Taehyung... Were you occupied for a long time? What's keeping you busy these days that you forgot to come and visit me?" the shop owner asked as soon as I got in.

"Yeah, a bit you know work and kinds of stuff. And hey, you should learn to respect me since I am older than you! Plus I went here not so long ago." I exclaimed as I took a seat by the counter.

"Tsk, yeah whatever my dear brother... Tell me, what made you go back to this weird store of mine oppa? Something had happened?" my sister dissed me as she took the seat in front of me.

Well yeah, I have a sister half actually. I just have learned about her existence way back when my parents have just died but she lives with her mother so we are partly separated.

I had offered to help them with the money that grandma had left for me but they won't accept it. They didn't even want to live with me at my house in Daegu.

Her mother didn't accept the financial support from me when my grandma died since she said she can provide for my sister. Since then I would just find time to visit my sister.

And she told me that what happened between her and my father was purely a big mistake. But I love my sister though. "Well do I need a reason to be here?" I asked her as she nodded her head.

"Of course there should be, the last time you went in you asked me for an antidote for hypnosis that I don't know where you will use. There should be one of course.
I know you and your stupid double personality plus your three-dimensional brain who sees the future, past, and the present." she said as she pointed my head.

"Yah Kim Dahyun, I didn't come here to hear all your rantings as I just came here for a few things. First, I came here to ask auntie why did she give me this ability when I was sixteen.
I can hardly control my dual personality that time plus this came... I don't know what to do anymore, I can't control my other side because of all the things that I am seeing." I sighed as I dropped my head on the countertop.

"Well mom's away so you can't ask her about that, but I think I can do something about that. Do you have anything in there that is dear with you?" she asked me as I took a lollipop from my pocket.

"This one... What are you going to do with it? Does it have to do something about aunt's gift to me?" I told her as she ignored me and went to the cabinets near the counter.

Her mother is a kind of a witch or something, I know it's kind of weird but yeah it exists. They believe in things that the majority of people would not believe at this time. Witches and wizardry and kinds of stuff like that.

Dahyun, my younger sister inherited those genes and become a weird one too. She is the owner of this store called magic shop which sells all kinds of magical kinds of stuff, potions, and amulets.

I had met her and her mom when I was sixteen and that is when her mother gave me this gift for I don't know the reason, me being able to see the past and the future since that time.

Minutes later, she came back holding a piece of broken mirror. She handed it to me as I looked at her curiously. "What exactly am I supposed to do with this?" I asked her she shrugged her shoulders.

"I don't know, you are the only person who knows what to do with it... Anyway, visit me again when your mind is clear." she said as she looked like she was sending me away.

"How am I supposed to do that when I don't have a single clue on what to do about it? Anyway, when are you going to introduce me to that boyfriend of yours? I'm getting impatient Kim Dahyun..."

I asked her as she just gave me a sly smile, that brat she doesn't really want to introduce me to her boyfriend. "He is still busy at the moment, don't worry you'll meet him soon." she responded as I glared at her.

"He better show himself in front of me, you are blocking all my visions so I can't see him. He better not hurt you or I will kill him. Cha, I'll go ahead tell auntie that I stopped by."

I said as I waved my hand at her before going out of her shop holding the piece of the broken mirror in my other hand. I looked back at her shop once more before I turned back and leave.

When I went back to my apartment, I couldn't hear shouting from the next unit. That Rei must have learned his lesson from that day and noted that he must never do that again.

I promised Tzuyu that I will run away with her but the timing is not right. Perhaps just right after the problems I have with my friends, well the problem about Jimin actually is solved.

She eventually agreed with me because she is longing to get away from the claws of Rei's family. I wanted to tell Jungkook about what I know but the selfishness inside me reigns over my emotions.

"What am I supposed to do with this?" I asked myself as I stared at the mirror in my hand as I flopped myself to my bed after changing into comfortable home clothes.

I was really curious why my sister would give this to me, but I am sure that it has really something to do with me. She won't give it if it doesn't. But I don't exactly know what.

I was lost in thoughts when someone knocked on my door. I immediately get up to know who was it. "Oh Tzuyu, what can I do for you?" I asked her when I saw her standing in front of my door's unit.

"Well uhm, Rei's gone for the day and I thought it would be a nice time to spend with you. I know how you are extremely jealous and angry each time Rei is around me."

She said shyly as I looked around if there are people around, when I checked that the coast is clear I immediately pulled her inside my unit before shutting the door close behind us.

"I missed you so much, your warmth, your kisses, your hugs, and everything about you..." I said as I trapped her in between my arms before I gently placed a kiss on her lips.

I closed my eyes when she responded as I placed my arms around her waist as clung to my neck. "I missed you too, very much..." she said while still panting trying to catch her breath after the kiss.

I gently caressed her face as I placed my forehead against hers. We were just staring at each other's eyes while both of our foreheads are touching, feeling the emotions inside us.

"I wanted to keep you forever, I will make sure that Rei and his father won't be able to touch you anymore." I said as she looked at me with her beautiful eyes.

"Tae, thank you very much for being my light in this dark world of mine..." she said as she pulled me closer to a hug. "I should be the one saying that you know..." I said as I playfully broke the hug.

"Come, I want to cuddle with you right now..." then I dragged her to my room pulling her to my bed as I cuddle her in my arms with her back resting against my chest.

"Where did you go earlier? I saw you leaving your unit a few moments after Rei left..." she said as I caressed her hair using my other hand while the other one is placed on her waist.

"Gone to visit some of my friends, it's been a long time since I last saw them, so I didn't miss the chance... Anyway, is Rei going to be gone for long?" I asked her as she shakes her head no.

"I don't know, he didn't say anything about it why? Are you going somewhere? Will you leave me here all alone?" she asked me as I just sighed in response.

"I will be out later at night, who knows that he might hurt you again this time when I am not around. It would be better if you stay here tonight for your safety...
I hate to leave you here all alone but I have to go somewhere for an important business later and I can't ditch it this time. " I said as she faced me this time.

"Sure don't worry about me... I love you very much." she said as she gently gave me a smack. That made me pinch her nose for being naughty. "You naughty girl!" I said as I begin to tickle her.

I have no idea how can I make her free from Rei and his father's grasp but I am figuring out how. I really love this girl in front of me that I am willing to risk everything just for her. "I love you too, Tzu..." I said as I hug her tightly with smiles on both our faces.

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