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Part 21:

Kim Nam Joon

"See you tomorrow hyung... I know that you will go ahead of me as I still have to go to somewhere before heading home." I said to Jin hyung as we were both off of work for today.

"Yeah see you tomorrow, I know that you will still watch her from afar so, I won't be light bulbs. I will head to my apartment and get some sleep." he responded before he drove his car away from the gasoline station.

Jin hyung had been working with me in the gasoline station as a helper. He does the car wash for those who wanted their cars clean. But that rarely happens during mid-nights.

So we just mostly spent our time talking to each other. We have both the same time of working hours, good thing that the owner of this gasoline station is a friend of mine.

His name is Jackson, he immediately accepted hyung even if he will only be working for less than two months. I had also told him my resignation as I am about to focus in my own company.

And that friend of mine just told me that it is about time that I do that instead of working on his gasoline station. He really wanted so see me go back to the path that I had previously taken.

Like what I usually do, with a lollipop on my mouth, I watched her as she patiently handed the flyers to by passers in that over pass. I like watching over her this way.

I was still holding the hair tie in my hand having troubles on how I would hand it to her. But I can't think of a possible solution. I am ashamed and shy to even go near her.

I wanted to give it to her personally and not through her father or anyone but me. I should be the one to hand it over to her personally. I wanted to see her expression after I give it to her.

Just like the other days, I followed her to the bus stop and I got off in the station near my apartment without getting the chance to give her the hair tie because of me being coward.

Already satisfied on seeing her go to her school. While walking to my apartment, I passed a group of boys that were having fun. I was about to ignore them when I overheard their conversation.

"You should have seen his face while begging us to stop beating him up... He really looks pathetic, he dared to beat me up on the ring and taint our boss clean record...
So he asked us to beat him up for him in return. He must be in a much more critical situation if only those police didn't arrive. We just let him off and run before we got caught." one of them said bragging.

"But, we can't deny the fact that he was indeed strong... He was actually stronger that I had ever even accidentally hit me while I was beating his knees and it really hurts.
He should have learned his lesson by now. What is his name again boss?" the other one asked to the person who was sitting in their center like he rules the others.

"Jeon Jungkook... He dared to match up with me and now he is paying his prize in the hospital... I'm sure he is now struggling his ass off as I also heard that they are financially unstable."

After hearing the name Jeon Jungkook it immediately made me think that it was one of my friends and upon hearing their conversations made my vision turned black.

Anger had suddenly ate me as the thought that my youngest friend ended up getting beaten ul just simply because that he had defeated someone. Where is the justice in that?

"Where did you beat him up?" I asked the one in the center as I approached him. I held his collar tightly about to lift him up when the others stopped me in doing so. "Who?" the leader said trying to be brave in front of me.

"That Jeon Jungkook?" I asked that made him smirk... "Why are you related to him in any way?" he asked as I lifted him up this time without minding the others.

"I'm his brother dimwit! Now where did you beat him up?" I asked as he turned pale and trying to catch his breath because his own collar is almost choking him.

"In a street in Myeongdong while he is on his way home..." he said as I just let him go. Now it made sense to me, Jungkook lives in Myeongdong when he was sixteen but they moved to Hannamdong when he was seventeen.

They must have move back to Myeongdong. Now I can point out that the Jungkook that they are talking about is the same Jungkook that I am thinking of.

"If he was beat up in Myeongdong, he must be brought to the nearest hospital which is Seoul medical hospital." I said as I immediately run to my apartment and called John to drive me to SMH, since I can't drive.

When I arrived in there I immediately looked for the floor of the orthopedics. I am highly guessing that he is in there because of possible bone injuries. He must be in there.

I had asked John to stay at the parking lot and just wait for me. I immediately saw it on fifth floor but when I was to take the elevator it was still in the top floor so I took the stairs.

"Why do I lose my brains in times like this? I should have asked first if there is someone named Jeon Jungkook admitted in here..." I said as I run over the stairs without looking on my way.

I suddenly bumped into someone who looks like a patient in here. He was about to fall in the stairs because of my carelessness, good thing I was able to hold his hand before he falls.

"I'm sorry really, I was not looking in my way... You almost feel because of my clumsiness, I'm really sorry." I said as I pulled him up to the level part of the stairs while I was bowing my head out of embarrassment.

"It's fine, you got me anyway and I was not looking on my way too..." he said that made me think if I knew him because of the familiarity of his voice and yes he is a man.

When I looked up, I was surprised to see an old friend that I haven't meet in a while. "Hoseok?" I asked as he looked at me before the sense of recognition entered his face.

"Namjoon! Is that really you? What are you doing here? I didn't expect to see you here. Anyway, it doesn't matter... Jimin is also in this hospital, he will be glad if he sees you."

He excitedly said that I could barely understand what he said as he quickly dragged me up to the stairs again into a hallway with his hyper self and finally we entered into a room.

"Hoseok, Mina is already going here you should pick her up while I hide..." one said as I can recognize his voice even when I have not yet entered the room as Hoseok was the one who took the lead.

"Jimin, I have a surprise to you... You will not be expecting whom I have here with me." he said as he dragged me inside as both mine and Jimin's eyes widen out of shock.

"Namjoon hyung? Is that you? I never expected to see you right in here, how come?" he asked as he got up the hospital bed while wearing a hospital gown like Hoseok's.

"Funny coincidence right? I was about to run down to fetch Mina so that she won't enter our room but I bumped in to him instead..." Hoseok said happily while still clinging at me.

"Wait hold up... Who is this Mina that Jimin is hiding from? And what are you both doing in this hospital?" I asked as I was really dumbfounded about the sudden turn of events.

"Mina is my sister and Jimin is hiding from her because he doesn't want her to know that his parents forced him in this hospital thinking that he is mentally ill.
While me I was rushed here after passing out. I mean I ended up getting admitted after getting unconscious." Hoseok explained as I nodded my head trying to understand all the details.

"He is afraid that Mina will find out that his parents think of him as crazy that's why he is afraid of showing himself. And don't try to hide away your feeling for my sister from me.
I knew that ever since you first saw my sister in our apartment you immediately liked her. Don't you dare deny it because it's so obvious..." Hoseok said while pointing to Jimin that made me laugh.

"Hyungs!" Jimin complained as his cheeks turned red all of the sudden. "So all this time, you too had lived together?" I asked them basing from my deduction of what Hoseok had said.

"Yep hyung..." Jimin answered while nodding his head. "Jin hyung will be glad if he learns that I meet the both of you... He's been dying to see the other guys." I said as they both looked at me.

"Jin hyung had arrived from Australia?" Jimin asked as I nodded my head. He was about to ask some more questions but he was interrupted when his phone suddenly beeped.

"She is already downstairs, what am I going to do? I can't let her know that I was just here all this time. This is embarrassing..." he suddenly panicked while looking as his phone.

"I will keep you company while Hoseok's sister is here... Me and Jin hyung will visit again together next time." I said to them as I grab Jimin's hand dragging him out of the room.

While we were on the emergency stairs, I asked for his number and their present address so that I could visit them with Jin hyung. Knowing how Jin hyung wanted to see the others.

I also asked him details about their discharge as I learned that Hoseok will be discharged first and he doesn't know when he will be. After the small talk I myself that someone is still waiting for me.

I will just look for Jungkook next time, it was a good thing that I meet Hoseok and Jimin after different circumstances. Next time, I would really spent more time with them. Now only three of us remains hidden and unseen.

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