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Part 24:

Kim Tae Hyung

I sit beside Tzuyu in complete silence as we watched the train pass by the rail. While the train was passing by I suddenly get up and placed my oldest camera on top of a water bottle.

I slyly picked up a stick and hit my camera as I watched it flew away while the train was almost done passing by. "Let's leave all those memories away, come we have to go."

I said to Tzuyu as her eyes was still widen on surprise upon what I did but she eventually run quickly to catch up with me and we starred going back to my apartment walking side by side.

I had packed a small back pack for the both of us while avoiding all her questions. As I wanted to go to a certain place with her to simply left all of these things behind of us and enjoy our time together.

"Where are we Taehyung?" she asked me as I carried our things that was placed inside a small back pack while I opened the door of a small house. I guided her inside as I placed the bag in a couch while she look around the place.

"Who's house is this?" she asked still curious on where are we. I learned that the bastard will return in a week and three days from now, so I wanted the both of us to have a small getaway. I thought that my birthplace would be the perfect place for that.

I asked a week leave from both of my works that they approved nonetheless, then me and Tzuyu went on a trip using my old Volkswagen car to Deagu, the place where I was born and where I grow up before I went to Seoul to study way back when I was high school.

"We are in Daegu, this is my house... Actually my grandmother's and now it's technically mine. This is not that much, an old ancestral house with four bedrooms with two connecting shower rooms, a small living room and a dining area.
This looks just like the traditional Korean houses so there are no beds in here but just mattresses." I said as I looked around and realized that I missed the place since it's been five months since I last went here.

My grandmother died a week after Jin hyung left the country that made me immediately returned to Daegu to take care if her burial since I no longer have parents to take care of it.

Both my parents died when I was fifteen after a car crash and my grandmother took me in after that. After my grandmother's burial, I learned that she left me funds enough for me to live a comfortable life.

She also left me a few properties under my name, including this house and two large farms. I sold the other farm that was far away from this house and kept the other one which is surrounding this ancestral house.

I had hired some people to keep on track of the farm using my grandmother's fund that she left me since it was quite a large sum.

So, even up until now the farm still exports fruit, root crops, vegetables and even flowers every three to six months after harvest. This also had a barn with animals such as cows, chickens and pigs. I also have two horses in here.

Me and the workers of the farm had come up with the deal that I will supply them with all they needed like seedlings, fertilizer and farming tools as they will have the seventy percent of the earnings be divided among them.

Five percent goes to the maintenance while the other twenty percent goes to me. While the rest of the five percent goes to the head caretaker of the farm.

They look over the farm for me as a sign of gratitude as some people doesn't pay them that way. The farm earns big for exporting a lot of products, so meaning they have big amount to be divided among thirty people. Basically each one of them have two point thirty - three percent share from the earnings of the farm.

"Come, I want to show you around..." I said as I brought her to the stables at the back of the house where my horses are.

"You know how to ride a horse?" I asked her as she shake her head no. I reached for the boots and hat in the side as I let her wear it. It was actually intended for her.

I don't know what had gotten into me and I brought a boots for a woman about her size and a matching hat thinking that one day I will bring her here. I let her sit in a small bench as I exchanged her shoe for the boots and placed the hat in her head afterwards.

"Who's boots is this? It perfectly fits my feet like it was my shoe size." she asked while I was putting on my boots. "Yours actually..." as her eyes widen in surprise as I got up and went to one stable and get my black horse name Mang. He will be a perfect ride for the weather today.

I put on the reigns and saddle to Mang as I motioned her to come to me. She immediately did what she was told as I assisted her to mount on Mang after I put on the reigns and saddle. Mang purred because of the unfamiliarity but I stroke his hair to calm him down.

Then I mounted to the horse sitting behind Tzuyu as I enclosed her in my arms while I held onto the reigns. "Yahh..." I said as I tapped Mang's back as he started walking away from the stables towards the direction where I was leading him, to the flower farm.

"This place is beautiful and scenic... Do you know whose farm is this?" she asked asked as we passed by the vegetable plantation.

"Mine, why?" I responded as I heard her grasp but unfortunately I can't see her expression. "Really? This place is yours? Where are the workers in here?" she asked again as we were still going to the flower farm.

"Technically it's my grandma's, but I inherited it after she died. The workers are probably at the other side of the farm right now, because if I am not wrong today's the harvest of coffee beans that we will export for tomorrow. They are still busy, I guess... " I said as I made Mang stopped when we arrived at the gate towards the flower farm.

I assisted Tzuyu to get down since horses cannot get inside the farm and only people can. I tied him up to the tree nearby where the workers usually place the horses or vehicles during harvest time.

I lead her inside as I can see her amazed expression. I picked a flower on the side and gave it to her. "This place is magnificent..." she said as she shyly received the flower.

"Taehyung is that you?" someone shouted from the outside that made us both look to the gate where a man was standing in there... "Mister Bang..." I said as I held Tzuyu's hand before we approached him.

"Its really you, I thought I was just hallucinating when I saw your car entered the farm but when I saw Mang passing by the vegetable plantation my hunch was confirmed that you are here. Who is this beautiful woman beside you my child?" he asked as Tzuyu went to my back trying to hide herself.

"She's Tzuyu, my girlfriend... Tzu, this is mister Bang Shi Hyuk the head care taker of the farm. Please forgive her, she's not really used to with newly met people." I said as mister Bang just let out a chuckle.

"Nice to meet you young lady, take care of this man right here, he might act mature but he is a bit childish... Anyway, I was checking the sprinklers around if they are all working well.



You can go to the coffee bean plantation, I guess the harvest is already done. You can try a brewed coffee from the harvested coffee beans in there. I will go ahead..." he said as I nodded my head, I heard a sound of tractor going away afterwards.

"Sorry about that..." she said apologetically but I just smiled at her as I can clearly understand what she feels. "Want to see how they make the best coffee beans?" I asked her excitedly as she nodded her head. We immediately went out of the flower farm.

This time we ride Mang in a faster manner, good thing that she didn't get scared about it. I showed her how we produced the best coffee beans that we used in making our own coffee.

With the rejected beans that didn't meet the standards for export, we made the coffee. She had fun and even joined me in making coffee for her and hot chocolate for me. I don't drink coffee at all, I am caffeine intolerant...

"Hi my name is Jihyo, call me Jihyo unnie! I'm mister Bang's niece, the official banker here. I take care of the finances and all the money works including the export exchange." Jihyo said as she cling her arms at Tzuyu.

"I'm Tzuyu, I'm with Taehyung, he brought me here..." she shyly said as Jihyo just smiled. "I know, let me show you around and might as well introduce you to my boyfriend Daniel." she said as she dragged Tzuyu lightly with her.

I laughed on how she was uncomfortable at first but Jihyo along with her boyfriend made her a bit secured. I had also introduced her to my workers, she was shy at first.

But she enjoyed afterwards while talking to female workers among her age. I just watched her happily as she smiles with no worries at all. How I wish that this moments could stay forever.

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