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Part 45:

Kim Tae Hyung

After deciding that we will all just go home and rest after tonight, I sneakily went ahead of everyone else that was left in the hideout except Yoongi hyung. I was walking on the way to the main highway when my mind suddenly flashes some images.

Fire, blood, heat, and crashing... I held into my head as the images continued to flash, Yoongi hyung and Tzuyu. Yoongi hyung will burn himself while Tzuyu will be killed by Rei? How am I supposed to help the two when the event will happen at the same time?

When the flashing stopped I immediately remembered Jungkook, through his memories I saw from the past that he gave Hoseok hyung his number. So I memorized his digits and sent him a message after introducing myself.

I'm sure he will have to do something about it, Jungkook believes me on a word so he will go to hyung's address that I saw in hyung's memories that he hasn't changed his residence yet. I hurriedly fasten my pace so that I could get to the highway.

But since it is late at night there was no taxi around. Why didn't I brought my own car? I am in a hurry, after a few minutes of waiting finally a taxi came in and stopped in front of me. I immediately told him the address as he drove off without hesitation.

When I arrived at the destination, in front of the apartment building I immediately paid the driver with more than the amount in the meter. I don't have time to count all the cash I had as I am in a hurry.

When I got out of the taxi, I immediately run to their unit as I noticed that it was locked and secured from the inside. I leaned on the door trying to control myself as I placed both my hands in my pocket to hold myself off.

Please control yourself Taehyung... Not V, not him, please... Or else everyone knows how a monster you are... I don't want to wake up in the morning with blood in my hands anymore without remembering what had happened the other night, please...

I told myself as I control the anger in me, I can't let that demon out of me. The last time he went out I almost killed those people who were brave enough to bully me when I moved into the neighborhood.

"Arghhhh!" But when I heard her scream from the inside, I lost all my senses and I faced the door as I can't fully control my anger anymore. I clenched my left hand as I punched the door that destroyed the knob and the padlocks inside.

I quickly went inside and found them in the kitchen as I saw him holding a gun that was directed to Tzuyu. She was trembling in fear but the bastard was only showing his demonic smile. The anger rises up in me as I looked around and searched for something to use.

When I saw a soju bottle, he was dumb enough not to notice me yet so I hurriedly picked up the soju bottle in the side. But when I bent down to pick it up. Being extra careful so that he won't notice at all.

I saw the broken piece of mirror that Dahyun gave me. I was curious what was it doing here when I can clearly remember putting it on my side table. I don't know how it ended up in here at this moment.

I saw my reflection in the mirror holding a soju bottle smiling wickedly as I smashed it in the countertop creating a crash and break half of the bottle. How the evil smirk had formed in my face.

I saw how my reflection turned around in Rei's direction as he pulled him off and throw him off the wall before stabbing him multiple times with the broken bottle. Fearless, emotionless and wicked.

When he was already breathless and in the point of dying, my reflection looked at me with an evil smile on his face while the blood in his hands is continuously dropping. Yet there was no change in his evil smirk.

No, I can't be like that, not that demon, not him... I can't let my other personality take over at this time. I thought as I unconsciously picked up the bottle and mirror when I heard her screamed again.

I can't be V the demon, but I can be Taehyung the blank guy. I immediately went to his side quietly so he won't notice my existence and smashed the bottle in his head that made blood flowed from his head. As he flutters his eyes before dropping to the floor.

I immediately took a towel and held the gun before throwing it under the cupboard. "Tzuyu come... I am already here..." I said as she was still trembling while looking at Rei who was still unconscious on the floor. "Is he dead?" she asked as I shake my head no.

"Just unconscious, come we have to get out of here while he is still asleep. Grab your papers and put them in a bag we are flying out of the country." I said as I assisted her to get up and she immediately nodded and went to her room. Minutes later she came back with a medium-sized backpack.

We used the backdoor to go to my unit as I grab all my personal stuff and hurriedly put it in a backpack. After when I was done, I held her hand as we run in the dark streets at the back of the apartment building.

"Don't look back, just continue running... We have to run as far as we can before he even wakes up..." I said as I tighten my held in her hand still running on the dark streets. We had no particular direction to go but we still keep on running.

We arrived on a dead-end part as she was still panting trying to catch her breath. I decided to take a small rest before running again and finding another way out aside from this dead end.

"Rei, he was trying to take the advantage of me. I wasn't supposed to go back to that unit but I saw him arriving and I had no choice but to use the back doors so he won't notice that I was not around." she explained as I can feel that tears are running from her eyes.

"Shhhh... It's alright, I am here now..." I said trying to make her calm down. "He is on drugs Tae, I saw how red his eyes were when he arrived. He looks like he is really high on drugs and his mind is very clouded.
But when I refused him the next thing I knew is that he was already holding that gun..." she explained to me that made me frown after remembering what Jungkook had said earlier.

"Why won't they release you anyway? It's not like they can gain something from you..." I said as she took off a patch from her arm and showed me a set of numbers.

"I just learned about this three years ago. My father was not just a simple poor man, he was an only son of a business tycoon in Taiwan. But he was disowned for not marrying the girl his parents set up for him.
My grandparents from my father died the day before my father and I got into an accident..." she started as I just listened to her while peeking if there are any people around.

"Before we got into the accident, father and I went to a tattoo artist. That's when he asked me to be tattooed by this set of numbers.
I heard from Rei and his father that this is the password to the vault where my grandparents left the inheritance to their only son." she continued as she pulled down the collar of her shirt revealing a set of unnoticed numbers in her neck while I just listened to her.

"They want that huge money that's why they are not letting me go unless they got the password. They want all the money to themselves through that password. But they won't be able to.
Since my father was intelligent enough to transfer all the assets into mine and my brother's name beforehand. Even if they squeezed the information out of me they still can't since my brother is holding half of it." she said that made me even curious.

"How is your brother holding half of the assets? Does he have a tattoo like yours too? Do we need to find him too, to make those duo stop?" I asked as she shakes her head no.

"He is the key himself, all he needs to do is introduce himself to my grandparents' lawyers with me as the password and they will know that he is the son of our father as he resembles him a lot." she stated as I was finally able to grasp things.

"I thought that your father borrowed money from his family? He is that rich but he borrowed from a loan shark?" I asked as she shakes her head no.

"Father didn't borrow anything from them. Rei's father was the mole in my grandparent's company. They were the reason why my father was disowned... The reason why my mom was thrown off by her parents." she explained.

"The accident of my grandparents, and my father was their doing. They blackmailed my mother so they could get me and squeeze me because they knew that I have the key to that huge fortune.

That's why they had no plans in letting me go. But they don't know that my brother is the other half of the password." she said as I hushed her when I felt that someone was approaching us.

"Get out of there..." he said as I held tightly into her arms before I slowly went into the dim light with Tzuyu. "Hyung..." I asked as soon as I saw Namjoon hyung standing in there, so he was the one running after us all this time.

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