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Part 37:
If I Ruled The World

Jeon Jung Kook

"Umma, everything is going to be alright... I will ask my hyungs to help me, I will ask grandma and grandpa to help us. We can get Tzuyu back..." I said as I looked at my mother who was resting in the hospital bed.

Thank God, Yoongi hyung and Namjoon hyung arrived that day when I was about to jump off the building. They told me that my mom wouldn't want to lose two of her children at the same time, which made me come to my senses.

I don't want my mother to be alone. "Hush Guk, it's not like it is your fault... It's no one's fault, no one is to blame, what important is as long ad your sister is happy where ever she is.
We should just be happy too, let's just accept the fact that we can't get her back anymore no matter what we do. Let's just be contented that she's living fine." umma said as she caressed my hair.

"But appa was trying to pay for my school fees when he borrowed that money. If I just had insisted on enrolling me in a public school then those private ones. And stop making me and my sister attend those after classes because we can't afford it...
But he still wants to give us both the high-quality education in town. Partly, I am still the reason behind it." I said as she tapped her side to make me sit down.

"Guk, it's no one's fault okay? It may have happened for a reason, God knows that we will be able to get through this so he gave us this challenge. We will get through this.
He wouldn't give us something that he knows we could not get out... Here, let me give you a hug my big baby boy... Aigoo... You are such a baby." my mother said.

She immediately hug me to comfort me, I feel that my burdens went away because of my mother's hug. If I just have all the power in the world. I want to bring back my sister and bring smiles to my mother's face.

If I ruled the world, I would do it all. Show Rei and his father that we could get my sister from their hands. I just broke the hug when my phone beeped after receiving a new message.

I took it from my pocket and check who was it. I don't expect anyone to send me at this hour because clearly, even my phone number had only three contacts. It's from an unknown number...

'Kookie, we're going to get Jimin out of the hospital this midnight... Meet us at the entrance of the Seoul Medical Hospital. We will explain to you everything when you get there. This is your Hoseok hyung...' says the message that made me frown.

Why is Jimin hyung in the hospital and why would we get him at midnight? Isn't it supposed to be the time for discharge will be morning? And most specifically what do they have to explain for me later on?

I immediately saved hyungs number before I forget, under the name weird hyung. "Who is that?" umma asked while pointing to my phone that I didn't realize that I was already staring long enough from earlier.

"Uhm just my friends way back when I was in high school umma, remember the guys that I had previously introduced to you. One of them sent me a message.
They want me to attend some get-together with them tonight, you know boys night out..." I said while just trying to sound natural because I didn't know what to say really.

"Are those the guys whom you used to go with when you were seventeen? The one's that you introduced to me back then? So you had recently talked to each other?
I thought that one of them went overseas? Has he just returned recently." my mother asked as she technically knew everything about me and she knew the hyungs too.

Each one of us is formally introduced to those who had a parent like me to my mother to be exact, to Jin hyung's parents, and to Taetae hyung's grandmother who lives away from Seoul.

Jimin hyung doesn't want to talk about his parents while Hoseok hyung, Namjoon hyung, and Yoongi hyung don't have any parents at all. Hoseok hyung was an orphan while Yoongi hyung lost his parents when he was eighteen.

"Ah yeah, they are the ones whom I am meeting tonight... That's why we are meeting again after two years because the one who went overseas, Jin hyung just returned to South Korea. He wants to see everyone again." I explained as she looks so delighted to hear the news.

"Really that kid Jin is already back? I miss that kid's cooking... Invite him over when I get out of the hospital huh? I will let you go this time, they are good kids anyway." she said as I smiled at her.

"Sure umma I will invite him when he is free, thanks for letting me go out with the hyungs. I just miss them very much too." I said as she just tapped my shoulder.

"Your grandma and grandpa will be here any moment soon you should go home and get ready for your get-together. Say hi to them for me..." she said as I nodded my head.

I waited for my grandparents to get to the hospital, then I went home. I received another message from Hoseok hyung saying that I should bring an extra hoodie for Jimin hyung. I just did what he instructed me and started preparing.

An hour before twelve, I immediately went to the hospital that they were talking about. Hoseok hyung was already there with Taetae hyung. I was surprised to see him there.

"Taetae hyung, I missed you very much! Where have you been hyung?" I said as I immediately run to hug him as he complained about how heavy I was but ending up hugging me back.

"Glad that you didn't jump off that building that time... It was a careless move, you know? But I'm glad that you are fine..." he said as he broke the hug and tap my shoulder.

"How did you know about that hyung? And you are not answering my question..." I asked him as he just smiled. "Secret... I don't want to tell you. And I've been just around.." he said as I pouted.

"Kookie, you got the hoodie? I asked Namjoon to bring extra pants for Jimin, and he said he and Jin hyung are on the way to pick it up Yoongi hyung as he got the pants and shoes..."

Hoseok hyung said as he joined me and Taetae hyung. "What is this for hyung?" I asked him to talk about going to the hospital at midnight as I handed the hoodie to him.

"Well let's just say that Jimin's parents were crazy enough to put him in a hospital thinking that he is crazy when he is completely okay. Jiminie is seriously healthy...

We just have talked to his parents earlier and convinced them to let Jimin out but they are just hard headed... They won't let him out that easily." Taetae hyung explained to me that made me shocked.

Before even I could react Namjoon hyung arrived with Yoongi hyung and Jin hyung. "Jin hyung, I missed you so much!" I said as I hug the elder, it's been two years since I last saw him.

"Kook, you've grown so tall. I missed you too maknae... You no longer look like a baby bunny..." he said as he broke the hug when Yoongi hyung complained being his usual grandpa self.

"So how are we supposed to be going inside there and get Jimin? Let's go and I still have a date with my bed... I want to get home and sleep." he said that made us all laugh.

"Still the same old Yoongi hyung who wants to sleep more than going out with everyone at night, anyway here is the plan..." Namjoon hyung said as he told us the main points of the plan.

"Are you a hundred percent sure that this is going to work? I seriously have a tiny bit of worry and uncertainty about this..." Hoseok hyung asked as Namjoon hyung nodded his head.

"I have already messaged Jimin and he is in full cooperation in this one. This will work don't worry, besides we have three insiders there though the other one is with us now..." he said as every one of us looked so confused.

"Who..." Jin hyung was about to ask who when Taetae hyung chuckled. "I am hyung, I used to work in that hospital and I have a friend who is a doctor in there. He gave me the escape route." he explained to us.

"Hmm besides nurse Jude, Jimin's personal nurse is in this too... He said Jimin deserves freedom outside that four-walled white room prison cell." Namjoon hyung added.

"So are we on this? Let's get it, bang bang Bangtan!" Jin hyung said as we placed our hands together like what we had usually done before whenever we do things all together.

"Bang bang, bangtan!" we shouted as we raised our hands up... Even if I can't clearly understand what's going on because of the lack of explanation, we will be all in this together. This time we will get Jimin hyung out.

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