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Part 8:

Kim Seok Jin

Two weeks and three days after I get back to South Korea and I haven't find a part time job yet. The school where I am applying will confirm my application by next semester which is less than two months from now on.

And I haven't also contacted Nayeon that her planner is with me. I could have told her immediately because we are not that acquainted but I have this feeling that I want to be close with her.

And by reading her planner which I happened to learn that is her diary, I feel attached to her somehow. She was very transparent with her word inside that diary.

Now, I am on my way home to my apartment from my parents house away from Seoul. My mom was nagging me why I had not shown my face to her as soon as I get home so I payed her a visit.

But I sneaked out on dawn to get back to Seoul. It's not that I don't miss my mother that I left early without her consent but I think that I am already on the right age to stand independent.

I mistakenly made a turn while on my way back and ended up being lost in a street where I never been in once. I repeatedly went back in turning and turning around the same corner for a long that that I didn't notice.

Gladly I come to a open high way after I turned left instead of turning right again fearing that I might end up on the same street where I keep on turning and turning earlier. After going out to the high way that is when I realized that I needed to fill up my tank.

I was running low on fuel when I decided to fill up in a nearby gasoline station. Me paying a visit in my mother gave me an advantage since she and my father gave me an allowance but I don't want to lean on them all the time.

"Full tank please..." I said to the gasoline boy rolling my window down into half. "Namjoon?" I asked myself as soon as I saw the tall figure of the man who was filling up the tank of my car.

I was only able to confirm my suspicion when we turned towards my direction and I was able to see his reflection clearly in the side mirror of my car. I was right, it was really Namjoon.

But what made me curious is that he was supposed to be a graduate of electrical engineering two years ago, the guy was a natural genius no wonder even engineering course was easy for him.

Because of his high IQ his educational level could went on leaps and bounds in a short time compared to students around his age but he chose to take his education easy.

"Fourteen dollars sir..." Namjoon said as I did not notice that he was already on the side of my car's window, waiting for the payment of the gasoline that I asked to be filled in my car.

I hurriedly take the amount in my wallet and give the amount to him as he went to the cashier's office. I immediately got out of car and waited for him to get back.

"Excuse me sir do we still have any thing that you want us to do? Wash your car? Please park it in the side so that it won't create a disturbance in here." Namjoon said as he approached my direction.

"Namjoon?" I said as his eyes widen because of what I had said. "You know me?" he countered as I removed my cap to show him my face. "It's me, Jin..." I said as he immediately give me a bro hug.

"Jin hyung! It's really you and you are back!" he said as he quickly let me go. "Oh sorry you have to see me in this state but it's not really my job just like a part time job you know..." he said explaining that made me chuckle.

"It's fine... Let me park my car first. I have of things to ask you..." I said as I quickly get in my car and properly parked it in the side then I went back to his direction. "So, how are you doing? Where are the others?" I immediately asked him when I get back.

"Fine I guess. I've been running an electrical engineering firm for the past four years after I graduate but I am working here as a gasoline boy as a front since the girl I like lived in the neighborhood.
The others? I am sorry hyung but I don't have any contact with them anymore. We parted ways the day you left the country." he answered that made me feel sad.

I thought that they were still together despite the fact that I left the country but the news made me shocked. I didn't even know that they had also parted ways the day that I left to study overseas.

I am quite sad that the probability for us to be complete is small since there us lack of communication but happy for Namjoon to be financially stable now and having a girl that he likes.

"I didn't know... Anyway, this girl that you are talking about... Have you already confess to her?" I ask as I sit beside him while we watched the sun as it came to show.

"Not yet, as I am a bit coward. I can only watch her from afar. You know what hyung I can show her too you. My replacement will arrive anytime soon. Just leave your car here and pick it up after I show her to you." he said as I nodded my head.

True enough to his words a man came to replace him on six in the morning probably the shifting thing. He asked me to go for a walk until we came across a over pass in the high way.

We just stood there in the side as I watched him look over on the girl who was currently handing out flyers to the by passers. The girl was naturally beautiful even without make up.

"She is beautiful Namjoon, just the perfect girl for you." I said as I tapped his shoulder then he just nodded his head, he really seemed to be in love to the girl.

We continued to watch the girl until she went down to the bus stop. "I will drop you off your apartment..." I said to him as we got back to the gasoline station to pick up my car.

"You will be out of the way? Will it be fine?" he asked as I nodded my head gladly that he was able to tell me the directions earlier so that I wouldn't be lost again.

"Don't worry it's fine. By the way do you know anywhere were I could apply part time? Just for almost three months while waiting for my application to be approved?" I asked him as he looked at me seriously.

"Do you want to work with me in my company? Or in the gasoline station? We are lacking of staff..." he said as I thought that the gasoline station will be fine since I can talk to him and be with someone who reminds me of my life before I went overseas.

"The gasoline station will be fine... I want to spend time with you since we can't the past two years, and it's just a part time anyway." I said as he nodded his head

"Well then let me talk to my boss so that we will have same time shifts. I will call you for updates give me your number hyung." he said as I handed my phone to him as he immediately copied my number.

After a few moments my phone was ringing. "That's my number hyung, save it..." he said as I immediately did then we got inside my car as I drived him to his apartment after dropping him off.

I immediately went back to my own apartment to rest. This day had turned to be okay since I had met Namjoon accidentally. I hope I could meet with the others again the soonest.

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