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Part 10:
Hold Me Tight

Kim Tae Hyung

I got up from my bed when I heard a knock on my door. My shift from the convenience store was just finished and I went to the studio earlier to have a four hour photo shoot. More of a I was called there with a short notice.

I had a long day after the photo shoot and my duty at the convenience store and I badly wanted to rest as soon as I go home then plum in my bed but I can't because of the knocking on my door.

"Who's there? The person is trying to rest here..." I said as I opened the door but I was stopped on nagging when I saw her beautiful face that was full of small cuts but it looks like it is about to heal already.

"Oh Tzuyu, how could I help you? Is there something I can do to help you? Feel free at home and come on in... Its cold outside, you should get in." I said as I widen the opening of the door as I let her in.

"Uhmm... I..." she stuttered while she can't look at me directly as I noticed that I wasn't wearing a shirt and I was only in my jogging pants. I realized that I was half naked in front of a girl made me a bit embarrassed.

I immediately grab a shirt from my newly laundry clothes that I just placed in the couch earlier when I arrived at my unit. I forgot that I hate to wear upper shirts after work. Besides I like to sleep without upper shirts since it is very comfortable for me.

I quickly put on a shirt so that she won't be avoiding my gaze anymore. "Sorry about that but I was about to sleep. How could I help you?" I asked as she calmed down after seeing that I was already wearing a shirt.

"Uhm, you were right when you told me not to steal food from the store, so I didn't do it anymore. You may think that I have a thick face after this but, Rei left me two days ago since he was called by his father.
This is really a bit embarrassing on my side buy I am really starving as there were no food in the unit." she said as the last phrases were said in a whisper and slightly inaudible probably because she is embarrassed.

"Sit in there, I think I still have food in the kitchen." I said as I pointed the couch in the living room. I immediately went to the kitchen and reheat the instant rice, including the side dishes that missus Lee gave me earlier. Good thing I didn't ate all of it.

After heating the food, I placed them in a plate before placing it in a tray with the utensils and with a glass of juice. "Here eat this..." I said as I handed her the tray that I had prepared as she immediately accepted it and started eating.

Based on her actions right now I could tell that she really is very hungry. I just watched her eat quietly while I was sitting on a chair in front of her. In just a few minutes, she already finished the food I gave her.

"Thank you very much for letting me eat. I have been starving for almost two days, I can't just ask some foods from the other neighbors since I don't know them. I don't have any money too." she said as soon as she finished her food.

"Don't worry about that, if you feel hungry just knock in my door and I will let you in and eat." I said as silence envelope the both of us for a long time and none of us dared to break it, we just sit there while looking at each other.

"Rei, I owe him my life... The reason why I became his girlfriend is that he saved me by giving me his blood so that I would live after I suffered from a lot of blood loss in an accident when I was fourteen..."

She started talking breaking the silence between us. She was playing with her fingers like she was nervous. I know how exactly she feels as opening up to a another person takes a lot of courage. And its much better to open up a person' s life story to a stranger.

A stranger would not judge a person easily, that is why it is much better to tell a story to someone who you are not really close to. This way one would not have fears of telling them their story and be misjudged.

I didn't say a word to give her the signal to continue. "My father owe his father a huge amount of debt... If I would be his girlfriend, he will save my life, my brother's life and especially he will ask his father to let my father's debt off.
My mother had no choice but to send me with Rei, in order to save the three of us." she said as her tears starts to fall but she just tilted her head up to prevent her tears from falling acting all brave.

"After that Rei took me to a lot of places to make sure that my mother would not be able to track me again. He was not yet that violent that time. Three years after we went to country hopping...
He finally took me back to South Korea. Exactly here in this apartment complex where everything became worst..." she continued as I moved to her side to hug her and comfort her as she began to sob hard.

I do not know exactly what to do and what to say since I am not the type of person to comfort someone but I believe that a hug will probably help her a little. I had read it one time that some people needs a hug for comfort.

"He just become violent when I didn't allowed him to take me one night. Even if I was a collateral to my father's debt, I wouldn't let him take my virginity. That's when he started hurting me physically...
Starving me for days, no food nor not even a single drop of water and even detaining me inside my room for days." she added as I caressed her hair as I learned from my grandmother that it calms a girl down.

"Shhh, cry all you want... I will just be here to listen..." I whispered to her ears as she buried her face more to my chest that made me feel her whole body was trembling from crying.

The last thing that I wanted to see her is in her crying state because it tears my heart apart. It hurts me a million times whenever I see her hurting. It pierces to my soul each time a single tear drops from her eyes.

"He even became more violent when you moved next door and showed that you cared for me. When he learned that I was having a crush on you, he almost beat me to death if you didn't interfere.
I saw my knight in shining armor in you and realized that I had fallen to you since then. I don't love Rei, I just stick with him because he is the reason why I am alive." she confess that made me shock for a while.

I knew that I like her since then no scratch that I love her since then even if she was committed to another man. But I didn't know that she also likes me and even that she loves me too. Those words really surprised me all of a sudden.

"Will you say that again? I think that I did not catch up that part..." I asked her as I held her tightly but still enough for her to be able to breathe. I just wanted to make sure that I have heard what she had said.

"I love you Kim Tae Hyung... I didn't know when it started but I just find myself falling in love with you. And if given a chance to break off Rei's claws, I would be willing to run away with you." she said as I held her face and wiped her tears away.

"I love you too Tzuyu... I will make sure that you will be free from his grasp. I will do everything that I can so that you will be free from him." I said while looking at her eyes. I let her cry her hurtful feelings for a while until she feel asleep.

I carried her all the way to my room like a fragile glass since I only have a one room in this unit. I carefully tucked her to bed before I decided to go and get the medicine kit to treat her wounds and scars.

Her scars in the heart may not be easily be healed but I will help her repair her broken heart and soul. She looks more peaceful when sleeping, I tucked some strands of her hair to her ear as I look at her beautiful face even if it was full of scars and cuts.

One day, I will see her genuine smile plastered in her face. I will do everything so that I could see her smile even if it means that I have to fight over Rei for her. I lay down by her side and hug her tightly to sleep. I hope she held into me tightly until she will be free.

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