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Part 42:
Dark and Wild

Kim Nam Joon

"Sir does picking you up at late night includes in my resume when I applied for as your secretary?" John asked as he opened up the car door for me as I only smirked at him.

"You know the answer, John besides I can't drive myself." I said as he just chuckled at my response as I don't really know how to drive.

"Very well then sir, I will include being a driver in my job description then... Off we go." he said as I closed the door by my side then put on the seat belt while John turned around to the driver's seat.

"Sir from the event tonight, I have seen the higher-ups being shocked when they learned that you are the CEO..." John broke the silence between us as I just grin at that thought.

Well, you can never imagine the look on their faces when they saw me showed up as the CEO of the company. Some of them even dropped off their champagne glass that made shuttering sounds in the whole room. That was indeed a good show.

But I have to leave earlier than expected because we still need to touch up some plans on getting Jimin out without that much trouble.

"It's very entertaining, thank you very much..." I said that made him laugh hard. "You are really sometimes being sarcastic sir, but I think that side of yours suits you well. I can still imagine those old men with their mouths hanging while I was introducing you as the CEO." he added as we both enjoyed talking about those nasty old hags.

While on the way, I saw a familiar back going inside a Taxi in the intersection. It was Taehyung, he just mysterious got lost out of nowhere when we got out of the hideout.

Since John had picked me up about ten minutes when Jin hyung left with Jimin and Hoseok, I supposed he just had walked from the hideout to the main highway.

"John can you follow that taxi ahead of us please..." I asked my secretary while still looking ahead of me hoping that we won't lose them on the trail. I really want to check how he is doing by now since he is the only one who doesn't reveal his family status to us nor his job aside from being a doctor.

"Why sir it is someone you know?" John asked as he turned to the direction where the taxi was heading as I just nodded his head.

We are going far away from the route towards my home but I don't mind as long as I saw where Taehyung is heading and check that he is fine in there, I will be at ease.

Taehyung is like a younger brother to me, I didn't have a younger brother so I saw that figure in Taehyung. He is like an innocent baby that you want to protect from this cruel world.

Taehyung is that kind of innocent child that is curious about everything but has only two expressions. His blank face and his boxy smile could mean anything.

After a few minutes of following the taxi, we entered a village that made John suddenly turned pale. "Are you okay John? You seem unwell..." I asked him while we were still following the taxi.

"I'm fine sir, it's just that this place is famous for housing some dangerous delinquents. Though the village is quite quiet as of now, we can't deny the fact that citizens here are very controlled by those delinquents. I mean they follow their rules and orders to live a peaceful life." he said as we were still following the taxi.

"How did you know that?" I asked him curious this time. "Well, a friend told me those things. He previously lived here in an apartment two years ago...
He said his neighbor is a famous loan shark son and heir who keeps hurting his own girlfriend. It's quite scary so he sold his unit and moved." he responded as he made a turn following the taxi.

"But even though he doesn't live here anymore, he still knows some gossips in the place. He said that right after he moved some kind of a two-faced devil resided in the place.
Some people will be found on the street beating up although they are still alive their whole body is paralyzed like it was made by someone who knows exactly where are the person's fatal points." he continued as I felt chills all over me.

"Scary..." I said as we stopped at an apartment building as the taxi made a stop in front of it. "I know right sir..." he responded as I saw Taehyung getting off the taxi.

"John you can already go home, I will just ride a bus to my apartment. I'm going to talk to an old friend, don't worry I will go to work tomorrow morning and I will keep safe I promise." I said as he was hesitant but he let me and went ahead.

While I on the other hand just followed Taehyung as he entered the building going to the end of it. I carefully took my steps so that he wouldn't notice me. As I observed him stopped at the end unit as he leaned on the door while closing his eyes.

I watched him curiously from a distance because I thought that he would get in but he just stayed there with his hands in his pocket and his eyes closed. But when he opened his eyes I saw how his stare was different from earlier.

His eyes were like blazing in fire like he was very angry for a reason that I don't know. I watched him as he clenched those knuckles when he took his left hand out of his pocket as he naturally turns around and punched the door in front of him.

I saw how the door cracked open as he went inside. I was hesitating first but I immediately run in that direction. I had a feeling that something bad might happen tonight.

I am sure whoever is inside that door had angered Taehyung to the point that he was able to destroy the door in one punch.

I need to get him out of trouble, now I know why Yoongi hyung always told me that being silent is often dangerous. Just like him, he is very silent but every time he speaks we would end up following his order rather than being beaten up.

"This is not good..." I said to myself as I hurriedly run towards the end of the apartment building. Why was I stupid enough to watch him from afar when I can do that in a short distance from him? Maybe because I know that he could sense me easily that's why I maintain my distance?

I was panting when I arrived at the unit where he got in as I could sense the silence inside of it. I stepped into the unit only to find out a bottle of soju and beers inside but I see no one.

Not until when I came to the kitchen where I found a man lying on the floor with blood in his head and broken glass pieces around. I tried to clear my mind to assess the situation at the moment.

I rushed to the man and checked if he is alright. Gladly he was still breathing alive, probably something hard just hit his head that made him unconscious. One look was enough to tell that he is still breathing.

Good thing that I did not touch him at all. I searched around to look for Taehyung but I only saw a swinging open back door that leads me to the dark streets.

I can hear shallow footsteps so I immediately followed where it was going, using my cellphone flashlight to guide me on my way as I run where I could hear the footsteps. Until I came at a dead-end alley.

"Get out of there..." I said as I saw two figures hiding in the dark wall in the alley. I tried to focus the light on them as they both went out of the alley.

I was able to see their faces clearly now but I only knew one of them. "Hyung..." Taehyung said as he looked at me seriously with those dark eyes in the night light.

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